
Summary: It amazes me that few subjects interest men more and receives more questions than that of the after life. Most folks have at one time or another have pondered the age old question as in Job 14:14; “If a man dies, shall he live again.”

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“A Contrast In Eternal Life”

Date: October 27, 2002 A.M Service “Great Day Allendale”

Place: Allendale Baptist Church

Text: Luke 16:19-31


It amazes me that few subjects interest men more and receives more questions than that of the after life. Most folks have at one time or another have pondered the age old question as in Job 14:14; “If a man dies, shall he live again.”

First we must come to the understanding that each and everyone of us, unless the Lord returns, will one day face this thing called death. Our harts will stop beating; blood will stop flowing through our veins. Our chest will no longer rise and fall with each breath we take. Our brain will no longer send millions of signals to various parts of our body. Life as we know it, will end. Hebrews 9:27 tells us it “is appointed for man to die once, but after this the judgment.” Then What?

Some will tell you nothing will happen. Some are hoping for a thing called reincarnation, which by the way is unbiblical. The Bible teaches us that at the moment of death, we will either be taken to the presence of God, to a place called Heaven or a place of separation from God, in a real literal place called Hell.

In our text this morning I want to show you a contrast of to men. Two men from walks of life. Two men that experienced this final ending called death.

First will you notice…

I. The Lives Of Two Men.

A. Verse 19 “There was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day.”

1. Can I just give you the Tim-phrase; “He was living High On The Hog.”

2. Purple clothing in ancient times represented the very best.

3. It would have been the Armani, Ralph Lauren, or Gucci of our day.

4. On top of being voted the Best Dressed in the class, he ate all the nicest restaurants.

B. Verse 20 “But there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, full of sores, who was laid at his gate.”

1. This man was possibly sick and maybe lame, because he was laid at the rich man’s door.

2. The only attention he received was from the dogs that licked the sores on his body.

3. Now is everyone ready to eat.

C. I must stop and say right now, death is the Great Equalizer.

1. It is no respecter of persons.

2. Death does not care how rich or poor you may be.

3. Death does not care what brand of clothes you wear.

4. On the tombstone of an atheist was the words; “All dressed up and no where to go”

5. How wrong he was.

Next lets see…

II. The Contrast In Death.

A. Verse 22 “So it was that the beggar died

1. The beggar probably did not receive the proper burial.

2. No mourners. No grave clothes. No reception after the fine funeral with fried chicken tuna fish and pimento cheese sandwiches.

3. Oh, but his reward was waiting for him

B. “The rich man died and was buried.”

1. This man probably had a very nice funeral service. The very best.

C. I have to stop & tell the story of the man and his family that were touring in Jerusalem when his mother in law died. He went to the American Consulate to make arrangements to take his mother in law back to the US. The consulate told the man it would cost $100,000 to take the body back to the states but it would be only $5,000 to bury her there. The man said with tears in his eyes, no matter the cost I want her back in the states. The Consulate said you must have loved your mother in law very much. The man said no not really I heard a story about a man named Jesus that was buried over here and He was raised from the dead.

Nothing to do with the sermon

D. The rich man died in spite of his wealth and the poor man did not die because of his poverty.

E. Some of us are still living our lives as if Life will never end. I want you to understand this morning my dear friend, each of us will on day face death.

Next lets see…

III. The Contrast In Eternity.

A. “The beggar died and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s bosom.”

1. This same expression, found only in this text, was used in the Talmud as a figure of heaven. Abraham being the father of the nation of Israel.

2. It is also referred to as Paradise.

a. Remember the repentant thief on the cross; Jesus said “today, you will be with me in paradise”.

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Steve Miller

commented on Mar 12, 2008

How did the mother-in-law joke go over? teehee

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