A Change Of Status
Contributed by James W Hare on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Despite the crippling conditions that we may find ourselves in, thank God for the positive possibilities for things to change.
A Change of Status
Galatians 3:15-18:41-7
Despite the crippling conditions that we may find ourselves in, thank God for the positive possibilities for things to change.
Irrespective of a history that once hampered, or a present predicament that may seem to impede progress, or a future that looks bleak, providence comes into the picture—proving, yet again, that God can change things for the better. Most of us are proud of and praising how providence turns things around. There was a time when people who looked like you and me were not allowed to participate in the patriotic process of American politics; barred from economic opportunity and equality, we eventually saw our faces on TV but only characterized in servant roles; classified as second class citizens who could not vote, could not occupy positions of power or policy-making decisions, and never thought one, among so many, would come from so far behind and against all odds, and, yet, emerge as president of the most powerful nation on the planet.
Thus, history’s record reveals, even in our lifetimes, that God is moving. The proverbial tide does turn, and thing do change; even our status with God can undergo a change.
The apostle Paul made this known by reminding us that our standing with God gives all of us recognition and replete resources as children of God.
It is so because of the following points:
1. God’s Plans
I do not believe that we are where we are by chance. Chance suggests that God is random, accidental, fortuitous. I do not believe that the sun and moon and stars are haphazard lucky strikes of the solar system. Whatever it is that God does is never done by casual, coincidental, or accidental activity; but it is always done with an intentional agenda. It becomes operative on our behalf whenever He gets ready. Like heirs of a father’s estate, they only receive it when the father sets the time. The socio-economic and political status of Africa’s children in this county has and will change. Color barriers have been broken in once-forbidden phases and facets of our society—because the Father set the time.
2. God’s Prerogative
God is not obligated to do for us what He does, nor was God obligated to do for us what He did through Jesus the Christ—but He did. He did not have to take on flesh and impose the Law or the curse of the Law upon His only begotten Son—but He did. He did not have to redeem us from under the Law—but He did. He did not have to accept us (sinner, outlaws, impious, miscreant menaces to the kingdom and society)—but He did. If only the residual effects of His sanctions would punctually prompt people of all ethnicities to be just as accepting, the world could be purged from discrimination, bigotry. And injustice, and experience a change of status.
3. God’s Power
We are very much aware of the powers that be. We have heard of white power, black power, green power, and man power—all of which, at some point or another have negatively affected our states and statuses in life. But there is another power: All Power! It is the power that made the world and accounts for its phases of progression. And it is the same power that has made it possible for us to call God, Father! Father! One that is so capable and caring enough about our well-being that He affords us positive consequences. We don’t have to indulge elements or rituals; we don’t have “sell out”—we have all Power working in our favor. Shut out cut off from main stream of government, but still emerged to places and position of prominence: favor! “Colored-coded” by Human Resource Departments all over this nation, but got the jobs, anyway; favor! Thank God for His power; it continuously changes our statuses.
I close with the word of the old song that we sang a long time ago:
Shackled by a heavy burden,
‘neath the load of guilt and shame,
But then the hand of Jesus touched me,
And now I’m no longer the same.