
Summary: Keeping our eyes focused on what we are called to be as a child of God.

Today I received a call for help – didn’t want a Thanksgiving basket (that’s been what a lot of calls have been for) – just wanted everyday food.

I know we have those who abuse – at times you wonder – as a boy I remember a homeless man.

Wise preacher walked over and shook his hand, after he left I remember the conversations – remember his response:

“It is better to help and it not be needed than to leave a need unmet.”

There are times we can become calloused to need – get used and taken advantage of – don’t want to be laughed at again.

I remember when my uncle Fred died – knock at Granny’s door – a sign on the door “closed due to death in family” – the door opened.

Turn with me to Mark 6 – a lot has happened in the this chapter:

Jesus is rejected by his home town (1-6) (“is this not the carpenter”)

Jesus sends the twelve on a limited commission (7-13)

John the Baptist is killed (14-29)

Then in verse 30 Mark records (read 30-32)

Jesus wanted to take His disciples and be alone – maybe to grieve – we know it was partly to rest – and partly to finally eat.

You ever had one of those days? Jesus planned a retreat – but notice what happens next (33-34)

The people ran to the other side and were waiting on them to come out of the boat.

I’d be so aggravated – but did you catch Mark’s commentary in vs. 34:

Jesus, when He came out, saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion for them, because they were like sheep not having a shepherd.

He was “moved with compassion for them…”

Compassion is hard to really define, but here is the dictionary’s definition:

“Deep awareness of the suffering of another

coupled with the wish to relieve it…”

Here in Mark 6 the disciples do a great job of showing US – US. (37-42)

Notice first the disciples judged the situation and people and not worth the time and effort to help… (This is a deserted place and already the hour is late.)

Second the passed on attempting to meet the need, by saying it was their own responsibility. (Send them away, that they may go…and buy themselves bread.)

Now notice what compassion does… (37-42)

What the world need – what the church needs – what each of us need now more than ever – is compassion.

Peter said it like this: I Peter 3:8-12

Why is it so important? -Judgment

Jesus declared, did or didn’t “to the least of these…”

James said, for Him who knows to do good and does it not – it is a sin to him. (the face of the LORD is against those who do evil)

We have a lot to be thankful for – you can even be thankful your not in someone elses shoes.

#1 Comment when we are out (having two sets of twins ages 5 and 1), “better you than me” followed by #2, (to my wife) “bless your heart.”

Jesus said the #1 identifying characteristic of a child of God is “love one for another.”

May we never lose sight of compassion not only for the world, but for on another. I close with one last verse. True to the definition of compassion is Paul’s words to the Romans in Romans 5:8

“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

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