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  • Non-Christian Funeral Series

    Contributed by Chris Stevens on Dec 16, 2008
    based on 10 ratings

    This is a funeral outline I used when called on to preach the funeral for a non-christian man. Hope it is helpful.

    Will you pray with me. Lord, we come to you this day with heavy hearts at the passing of ______. I pray father as we go through this time you will fill the hearts of this precious family with your love, your grace, and your mercy. Father we come to you knowing that when your children cry you cry more

  • Putting It To Use Series

    Contributed by Chris Stevens on Dec 16, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    The first lesson in this two lesson series took a look at our "free" gift from God and what it provides. In light of the gift we as Christians are challenged to share what we have been given.

    This morning we began our study on “Our Gift…from God!” by identifying His gift to all mankind – once applied to our lives Jesus blood provides: • Justification…(Romans 5:16-17) • Sanctification…(1 Cor. 6:9-11) • Preservation…(John 10:28-29) • Identification…(1 John 3:1; Rev. more

  • The Gift Series

    Contributed by Chris Stevens on Dec 16, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    A two sermon series on our gift from God and what it means in our daily life.

    You ever got a gift “just because” – for no special reason – how about an “undeserved” one? Kindness – perhaps when you weren’t so kind. Respect – when you maybe didn’t act respectable (got a little hot under the collar with the sales clerk). Forgiveness – even though you deserved more

  • Beyond The Turkey

    Contributed by Chris Stevens on Dec 16, 2008

    During this season of being thankful as Christians it goes beyond a table filled with food and turkey, making thanksgiving a part of our daily life.

    The word thankful means to be glad or relieved about something, and to have a feeling or expressing of gratitude. How’s your thanksgiving this morning? How’s your joy? Is life weighing you down with worry? Doubt? Relationships in your life causing problems in your daily walk? You’re not more

  • Being His Disciple

    Contributed by Chris Stevens on Dec 16, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    As I worked on this lesson I thought about one thing. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT. This lesson shares the D’s of Discipleship.

    Faithful, or a Fair weather Fan! Tim McGraw – Martina McBride concert – rain; it wasn’t that I was a huge fan of either, I wanted a good seat for the show. Being dedicated – no matter what’s going on – what’s being done – you’re there. Genuine interest. In Luke 14 Jesus finds himself again more

  • A Call For Compassion

    Contributed by Chris Stevens on Dec 16, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Keeping our eyes focused on what we are called to be as a child of God.

    Today I received a call for help – didn’t want a Thanksgiving basket (that’s been what a lot of calls have been for) – just wanted everyday food. I know we have those who abuse – at times you wonder – as a boy I remember a homeless man. Wise preacher walked over and shook his hand, after he left more

  • In His Steps

    Contributed by Chris Stevens on Feb 17, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Peter tells us that Christ left us an example, to the point of death, and we must follow "in His Steps."

    A story is told of a father and son driving down a lonely road as a blinding snow storm begins to fall, unable to see the father pulls to the side of the road there he sees off in the distance the lights of a farmhouse. The warm feeling of seeing the beacon of hope in the distance is overcome by more

  • Finding Our Way

    Contributed by Chris Stevens on Feb 10, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Finding our way through life can be difficult, unless we have someone to light our way for us.

    Finding our way through life we have many tools: • On the road: o Road Signs o Maps o Ask for directions o Directions from officials • Raising children: o Handbooks by the experts o Advice from “parents” and “grand-parents” o Our kids.  o Those who don’t have children The “old time” cars more

  • Following God's Plan Not Ours Series

    Contributed by Chris Stevens on Feb 10, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    First in a three part study looking at seeking the purpose God has in our life.

    Finding Our Purpose: Following God’s Plans…not Ours! 2 Kings 5:1-19 • Interesting things to note here are: o God has a way of bringing people right where they need to be.  Samaritan girl taken slave.  Put in care of Naaman’s wife. o We may go a lifetime until we realize why, but more

  • Pieces Of The Puzzle

    Contributed by Chris Stevens on Feb 10, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Picking up the pieces…In many ways, and I know this won’t be rocket science so bare with me, our life is like a puzzle. Too me if you dump a jigsaw puzzle out I see a million pieces and have no idea where even to begin puzzle workers do., the start on th

    (I began with Illustration 1) In many ways, and I know this won’t be rocket science so bare with me, our life is like a puzzle. Too me if you dump a jigsaw puzzle out I see a million pieces and have no idea where even to begin (Caleb does though). Puzzle workers do, the start on the outside and more

  • It's Still The Cross

    Contributed by Chris Stevens on Feb 10, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    Things around us change, business come and go, places from our childhood make way for the progress of tomorrow, it seems the only constant in life is change. It is good to know that while everything around us may change there is a constant that remains

    In John 3:1-3 we find: - Nicodemus coming to Jesus in the dark of night. - He is a Pharisee - Is this a covert visit? Or is he using the secrecy of the night to provide him opportunity to be alone with the master? - Notice his question in vs. 2 “Rabbi, we know…” - Nicodemus lesson begins in vs. 3 more