Stand Firm In The Faith Series
Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: 1 Peter concludes with three facts: Satan is always actively rebelling against the church; The life of a Christian will always be an intense spiritual battle, and; The grace of God provides ultimate restoration for all. Will we live for Him?
Stand Firm in the Faith
1 Peter Sermon Series, Part 14
1 Peter 5:8-14
Sunday … important message on marriage and the church
Calling all to be in attendance and to come ready to hear God’s word
Last Sunday, Mike gave us some incredible insight into Peter’s closing chapter
Peter's encouragement to the entire church, including its elders, is to live honestly and purposefully in your faith. The bible shows us in 1 Peter 5 that we are called to demonstrate our faith to all that we encounter, and through this we will actively share our faith and our hope in Christ with all.
Tonight, we will finish out 1 Peter in preparation for Sunday (2 Peter)
- Read 1 Peter 5:8-14
∆ Point 1 – Who is our enemy? (8-9)
- C.S. Lewis once suggested that there are two mistakes Christians often make
-- We either joke about Satan … or we totally ignore him
-- What Peter tells us here is that NEITHER of these is an option for us
- The devil (diablos, means slanderer) is called the prince of this world
-- He resides here on this earth, freely able to move from place to place
-- Because he resides here, our being under attack is guaranteed to occur
- Satan doesn’t just oppose God, but all that belongs to God
-- This primarily includes us, because as Christians we are children of God
-- It is his mission to destroy all that is holy (his jealousy is what drives him)
- EX: You can hurt me all you want, but do NOT touch my children
-- This is the same method the devil uses: Can’t hurt God, so hurt His kids
- Once again Peter uses two familiar words we have discussed before (v8)
- (alert); nēpsate; be purposeful in our living; means clear minded
-- That our senses would be alert and we would purposefully come to God
- (sober); sōphronēsate; be of sound mind; means self-controlled
-- We are called to live with a calm mind as we contemplate praying
- Bottom line: PAY ATTENTION to what is going on around you!
-- It is someone who slumbers who misses what is happening
-- Subtly is the devil’s most decisive tool; because we aren’t watching
-- Note: We will cover this more in detail on Sunday
- Peter tells us that he “prowls around like a roaring lion …”
-- Let me give you something to consider: Lions don’t need training to eat
-- Once they get that taste, it’s over – they need nothing else to eat more
-- Peter’s word use shows the ferociousness of our enemy
-- APP: He is looking to destroy and devour all that he encounters
- When Peter says to resist (v9), his command is to stand against; to defend
-- But, it is a term of defense AND of victory that we have been given here
- To resist the devil we MUST draw on the power of Christ (2 parts)
Quick test: If you’re not running into the devil head on every day (in prayer, in our actions, etc.) … chances are you are going in the same direction as him.
-- We draw on His authority to stand firm; not on our own strength
-- APP: This leads to pride and lends us to thinking we are something awesome
-- The devil will eat your lunch every single time you attempt that trash
- We have been given a type of faith that allows us to stand firm
-- But, we are never able to stand firm on what we can do – but on Christ
-- 1 Peter 1:2, “… who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, to be obedient to Jesus Christ and sprinkled with his blood.”
-- 1 Peter 2:5, “… you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”
- TRANS: When Peter says to stand firm, it is a rally cry for God’s people!
∆ Point 2 – We are Made Strong (10-11)
- As Peter draws this letter to a close, he gives us a powerful reminder (v10)
- He began by giving us this same charge in 1 Peter 1:6, “In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.”
- Peter remembers his own restoration by Christ when he failed Him miserably
-- His prayer here is simple: Remember who it is that restores and protects you
-- Peter the great denier, becomes Peter of Pentecost who is loaded with Grace