
Summary: god is omnipresent but is personal with every individual!

Please open your Bibles to Exodus….

We noted in Exodus 1: Moses was born Hebrew but was adopted as an Egyptian by Pharaoh’s daughter.

Exodus 2: After 40 years as an Egyptian in the Royal Court, Moses finds out he’s Hebrew. Moses believed in God, left Egypt, moved to Midian and started a family.

Read along with me now Exodus 3:1-6……….

Before we discuss our passage, let us read the supporting passage in the Book of Acts, Chapter 7, v30-33…

So, what can we note?

a. Moses was 80 years old doing a job as a shepherd in Midian.

b. God first miraculously appeared to Moses as flames of fire in a bush that didn’t burn!

c. What was the first thing Moses thought about?? – Moses was likely an engineer also because Moses’ first thought was not about God but why the bush didn’t burn!

Did God knew what was going on? Did God know Moses personally?

d. God called Moses personally by name, not just once!

And we note from Exodus 3 and Acts 7, Moses responded to God but trembled with fear.

e. Hearing God’s voice, not just seeing the burning bush, Moses responded with humility! Remember, before he left Egypt, Moses believed in God, Moses sees something supernatural and someone with super powers calling his name,he bowed down before God!

Look again at v5….. A couple of questions:

What made the ground Moses was standing on holy??

It is holy wherever God is!

What does it mean to be holy??

The Hebrew word for holy is “qodes” – sacred, set apart.

Why did God ask Moses to take off his sandals??

Sandals carry dirt – no dirt shall be on God’s holy ground!

Why do we sometimes take off our shoes when we enter someone’s home??

Out of respect, we should not bring dirt to God!

And so,

f. Meeting with God calls for holiness and respect!

And let us note one more thing – God did not just make a noise in His speech. God could have just spoken with thunder and lightning, scaring the pants off stud Moses! God called Moses by name and identified who He was! /stud Moses was humbled!

g. God was personal and specific in His speech!

And so, what biblical principles can we apply to our lives from this passage about Moses and God’s first meeting?

1. God calls us to do our daily chores but He will somehow reveal Himself! The question is, are we keeping our eyes open to God’s presence? Daily watch for God’s presence!

Moses’ initial reaction to God’s revelation was physical in nature instead of spiritual. We are no different to Moses that we all naturally try to figure things out with our own wisdom. God knew this about Moses and God knows this about us and so God spoke to Moses and He speaks to us!

2. Let us not fall into the trap of depending on our own wisdom; instead fully depend on God’s Word!

And let us note that God is a personal God and will speak directly to each one of us! What is God specifically telling you today?

Are watching for God’s presence in everything we do and are we listening to Him?

3. We must humble ourselves before our Holy Creator God.

In a practical way, how do we take off our “sandals’ before God??

Pray always! C-A-T-S – Confess sins, Adore, Thanksgiving, Supplicate (ask for help).

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