
Summary: You remember where we were a couple of weeks ago? We were in the boat with Jesus and His disciples and there was a fierce storm raging. Well, today I want to land the boat on the other side and see what happened when Jesus and His disciples get to shore.

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You remember where we were a couple of weeks ago? We were in the boat with Jesus and His disciples and there was a fierce storm raging. Well, today I want to land the boat on the other side and see what happened when Jesus and His disciples get to shore.

Look at verses 1&2…Notice that verse 2 starts out by saying: “When HE came out of the boat,”

Verse 6 tells that the man saw Jesus from a long way off.

Illustrate the man coming down the hill screaming as he runs toward Jesus. I wonder if the disciples saw him and heard him and decided they would get in the back of the boat. It worked for Jesus during the storm. Can you imagine what these guys must have been feeling? They may be still bailing water from that terrible storm and NOW here come a madman!

Let’s say that you want to ride the roller coaster at the amusement park. What is the first thing you see, besides the ride and the crowd? There will always be a list of rules as well as a list of “If you have a heart condition etc. you can’t ride.”

Have you ever thought about the rules of the devil’s playground?

1. Sin will always take farther than you intended on going: vs. 2

The man didn't wake up one and decided to buy a season pass to the devil’s playground…none of us do.

I believe he, like so many of us simply saw the attraction and hung around too long.

Now remember that this man had nothing to do with Jesus, he had no prior relationship with Jesus and so he was literally possessed by a legion of demons.

Don’t forget that I have told you that if you are a true believer you CANNOT be possessed but you can be oppressed by the enemy. He can whisper in your ear and work on your emotions but if Jesus Christ lives in you he cannot control you from the inside.

Sin took this man away from his family all the way to the graveyard. How far will you allow it to carry you?

Not only will sin take you father that you intended to go but:

2. Sin will keep you longer than you intended to stay:

I remember, as a kid, going to the fair and walking into the “Hall of mirrors.” The first time I went through that thing I thought I would never find my way out.

The devil’s playground is the same way. You go in thinking you’ll just play for a little while and the more you stay the harder it becomes to find your way out.

Notice what his name is “Legion” In the Roman army a legion is 6000 men. Now I don’t believe this happened overnight, I think this was something that took some time to develop.

**The longer we stay, the more we surrender…

Suzanne & I love to play Skee Ball and it can be hard to stop sometimes. For her it’s not about the tickets it’s all about the game. Some people are actually addicted to the “Angry Bird” and “Candy Crush” games. They tell me that the more you play them the harder it becomes to quit.

The devil’s playground is that way…The more you play the harder it becomes to leave.

Not only will sin take farther than you planned to go and keep you longer than you planned to stay. It will:

3. Cost you more than you intended to pay: Vs. 3-5

The man was disconnected from God and when you get disconnected, vertically, you get disconnected horizontally.

Playing in the devil’s playground can cost you your family… He was cut off from those he loved because he was out of control.

Sin will cost you your place in this world…He had no job had no future…he was the last guy you would invite the barn dance.

Sin will cost you your dignity…Luke’s account says that he man ran through the graveyard naked.

Sin will cost you your sanity…He is running around howling at the moon and people called him a lunatic, a madman.

Sin will cost you your self-control…

But notice what happened when he saw Jesus: People had tried to tie him. People had tried to control him when all he needed was Jesus. Verse 6 says that he ran to Jesus and worshiped Him.

Look at verse 8: Jesus sees a different picture than the people of the town. They saw a lunatic, a raving maniac. What did Jesus say? “Come of the MAN”

We look at a man and say “that man is a drug addict”…Jesus says “That drug addict is a man.”

Jesus tells the demons to come out of this man but did you know that demons have to have a body. They don’t like floating around with nothing to do.

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