
Summary: This unfinished sermon explores the second stanza of Psalm 16. Our true inheritance as believers is God Himself as He is revealed in the Lord Jesus Christ. If you have Jesus you have all you need!

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Psalm 16: Praise For Provision


• My grandparents on my dad's side had four children Thomas Earl, Jr., my dad, Samuel Lee, Sandra Jean, and Aunt Betty. My grandparents were amazing parents. When my parents married they were the first to have a child among my dad's siblings. That child was me. I was the firstborn grandchild and so it was with me that my grandparents experienced many firsts.

• Because I was there first, my spot at the Sunday afternoon dinner table was directly at my grandfather's right hand. I had a swiveling bar chair next to him. It was my place. Later in life when I faced difficulties, I lived with Grandpa. When I stayed the weekend with him, we would lay in bed and pray for all our neighbors. They taught me how to pray. In the morning we would wake up and watch cartoons. When I was hungry I was welcome to whatever was in the deep freeze or refrigerator, no questions asked. When I attended San Jacinto College thinking I might get a job as a mechanic, my grandfather bought me my first toolbox and set of hand tools. I cannot remember ever asking him for anything he didn't give me when it was in his power to do so. My relationship with him afforded me everything he had. He loved me.

• Today we will continue our reading of Psalm 16 and find that David praises the LORD for the provision that his relationship with the LORD gives him.


• We began our look at Psalm 16 noting that it can be divided into three basic sections: 1) a prayer for protection (16:1-4), 2) praise for provision (16:5-8), and 3) confidence in preservation (16:9-11). In our last look at this psalm, we covered the first stanza. This morning we will look at the second.

• David begins with a prayer for protection, quickly becoming a declaration of confidence. Ask, and it shall be given. Seek and you will find. Knock and it will be opened unto you. (Matthew 7:7). You have not because you ask not. (James 4:2-3). God does not despise your doubt. Doubt turned in the right direction transforms into faith!

• David found God to be a refuge and shelter against all enemies both small and great, both external and internal. He declared that he would be loyal to the One in Whom his salvation and safety reside. He renounced the idols of the cultures that surrounded him. As Christians, we find ourselves safe "in Christ." He is the One in Whom we have taken refuge. We like David realize that we cannot save ourselves. We need Jesus.

• After this prayer for protection, David moves on the praising God for His provision. This morning we will look together at verses 5-8. They read:

1. God Provides A Pleasant and Satisfying Life

5 O Lord, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup;

You maintain (or, uphold) my lot.

6 The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places;

Yes, I have a good inheritance.

• In this stanza, there is a reference to the way the LORD gave the land of Canaan to the tribes of Israel. It was given by lot so that they would not think that anyone but the LORD was portioning it out to them. The casting of lots may have been like a lottery where it seemed random, but the Israelites believed that God was the one who chose. The LORD decided what they received. This should have eliminated envy and jealousy. We know that it didn't always work this way, even for the kings of Israel. The writer of Kings tells about the way Ahab coveted the vineyard of a man named Naboth and went so far as to have him killed to take what the LORD had given another. One of the realities of life is that if we place ultimate value in even the good things that God gives us and forget about the Giver we can easily become unsatisfied. Our ultimate satisfaction must be in God alone.

• The tribe of Levi was given no land. The LORD was their portion and inheritance. They were entirely dependent on the LORD for their living.

Joshua 13:14, "Only to the tribe of Levi he had given no inheritance; the sacrifices of the LORD God of Israel made by fire are their inheritance, as He said to them."

Joshua 18:2, "But there remained among the children of Israel seven tribes which had not yet received their inheritance."

Numbers 18:20, "Then the LORD said to Aaron: “You shall have no inheritance in their land, nor shall you have any portion among them; I am your portion and your inheritance among the children of Israel."

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