
Summary: Lot had willingly moved to Sodom and had some importance in the gate where he was visited by two angels. The vile sodomites wanted homosexual relations with the men/angels and Lot, the disgrace he was, offered his daughters to be gang raped instead.

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Three men appeared to Abraham and Sarah in their old age to tell them Sarah would have a son. One of these “men” was the Lord and the other two were angels. The Lord God and angels can take on human form and that happened commonly in the Old Testament. When the Lord appears to people in the form of a man, it is called a theophany, such as the man who wrestled all night with Jacob and the 4 men in the furnace in Daniel’s time.

The Lord remained and Abraham pleaded with Him not to destroy the Sodomites, but in the end he had to realise that all was corrupted and destruction was necessary and justified. Sodom was doomed by its own sin. The other two “men” who were angels left – {{Genesis 18:22 “Then the men turned away from there and went toward Sodom while Abraham was still standing before the LORD.”}}

We have looked at Lot’s road to failure, that deliberate path he chose to follow when he turned to his own leading and selfish desires. He moved towards Sodom bit by bit, so typical of a man . . . . and this also applies to a Christian . . . . who follows the prompting of his eyes and the flesh as lust moves one directly towards the sinful destruction. When Lot was living with Abram he had the umbrella protection of that great man of God, but when he was set loose, the sinful nature had its way. He wanted more of Sodom, and Sodom became his desire.

In the last message we saw that Lot was caught up in the raid against Sodom and Gomorrah and taken captive. He was mercifully delivered by Abram but went straight back to his own place. It was clear at that stage that Lot was living in Sodom when the raid happened and he was a causality of the raid, but I do feel certain his roots were already firmly in Sodom. He never learned his lesson from the raid and the deliverance. He should never have returned but should have separated himself altogether from Sodom. We now enter into Sodom for the darkest episode in this man’s life (actually there were two).

Two angels visited Abraham to tell him about his future heir through Sarah, but then they moved to Sodom. Sodom was about to be destroyed – {{Genesis 18:20-21 The LORD said, “The outcry of Sodom and Gomorrah is indeed great, and their sin is exceedingly grave. Gen 18:21 I will go down now and see if they have done entirely according to its outcry which has come to Me, and if not, I will know.”}}

Abraham pleaded with the Lord not to sweep away the righteous with the wicked, and his numbers went from 50 to 10 righteous people in Sodom but there were not even 10. According to the New Testament Lot was considered righteous even though it is hard to believe.

So far in these recent Genesis chapters we have the two contrasting characters - Abraham and Lot. Lessons from both of them are instructive. Both are referred to in the New Testament. This chapter contains direct statements of fact and some of the worst exposure of sin in the bible. We will tread carefully.


{{Genesis 19:1-3 Now the two angels came to Sodom in the evening as Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom. When Lot saw them, he rose to meet them and bowed down with his face to the ground, Gen 19:2 and he said, “Now behold, my lords, please turn aside into your servant’s house, and spend the night and wash your feet, then you may rise early and go on your way.” They said however, “No, but we shall spend the night in the square.” Gen 19:3 Yet he urged them strongly, so they turned aside to him and entered his house, and he prepared a feast for them and baked unleavened bread, and they ate.”}}

The angels had passed from Abraham on their way to Sodom for the exact purpose of both rescue and destruction – Lot and the Sodomites - and now they met Lot in the gate. The gate of a town or city was the place of respect, greeting and judgment. Judges sat in the gate. What on earth was Lot doing in the gate? That indicated he was now part of the life of Sodom. What was he doing in the gate though? It was a high position and why would these arrogant, hostile, exceedingly sinful people have allowed it? More to the point though, what does it say about Lot who allowed all this to happen? It was compromise of the worst kind.

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