Lessons From Jeremiah – Part 8 – National Evils Are Widespread – Murder, Injustice, No Repentance, Delusion Series
Contributed by Ron Ferguson on May 15, 2024 (message contributor)
Summary: The guilty argue with God and there is no repentance. Again God requests that Judah remembers her past devotion and return to the Lord. Idolatry is everywhere and the innocent poor are killed. There is no justice anywhere and delusion is rampant.
PART 8 - Jeremiah 2:29-35
{{Jeremiah 2:29 Why do you CONTEND with Me? You have all TRANSGRESSED against Me,” declares the LORD.}}
The people would argue their case for being guiltless, as one against the Judge, such was their arrogance. How can the created being argue with the Creator, but Judah was rebellious all the time? They had no right to contend because they were not qualified, for their sinfulness prevented them from presenting proper counsel before God. Science contends with God all the time, telling Him He is wrong and mistaken when The Creator has already given His account of creation, for “all WISE people, and all science KNOWS” that the unfathomable mass of the universe resulted from the explosion of something no bigger than a grain of sand (big bang theory); and that human beings grew up out of a piece of sludge in a swamp! Yes, man knows better than God, yet one day, man will come face to face with reality.
From about 2010 there has been an accelerated rush to overturn everything that is normal and stable and that applies to God and His absolutes in creation. Satan is inverting everything we have as God’s statutes in the bible. This applies to gender, to marriage, to sexuality, to the raising of children, to our origins, to decency and very largely to just plain, common sense.
Human beings in our age have overthrown God as irrelevant and unnecessary. That is how humanism behaves. There will come a time when God is going to slam on the brakes suddenly. This world can only go so far. Then the Lord removes His Church and such awful judgement will come upon the earth. Man has overthrown God, but God will overthrow man’s evil. Look at this Old Testament verse – {{Haggai 2:22 “And I WILL OVERTHROW THE THRONES OF KINGDOMS and destroy the power of the kingdoms of the nations; and I will overthrow the chariots and their riders, and the horses and their riders will go down, everyone by the sword of another.”}} Yes, God will overthrow.
God will bring to a ruin all the humanism of mankind and then the Lord Jesus comes at the Second Coming and takes up the Kingdom and rules with no humanism, but in righteousness. This verse is pointing at that - {{Ezekiel 21:27 “A ruin, a ruin, a ruin, I shall make it. This also will be no more, until He comes whose right it is and I shall give it to Him.”}} In the AV that verse is translated this way – {{“I will OVERTURN, OVERTURN, OVERTURN, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him.”}}. Man now overturns all that God has established but there comes a day when God will overturn all that man has abused, distorted, inverted and rejected. Man transgresses against God but God will have His day and it is very close.
{{Jeremiah 2:30 “IN VAIN I have struck your sons. They accepted no chastening. Your sword has devoured your prophets like a destroying lion.”}} The first is that God struck their sons, that is, the men suffered through war and judgements all because they would not accept God’s correction and chastisement. They rejected every move God made to draw His people back again. God uses the term “in vain”. He tried every move but it made no difference. In the end expulsion would be the final recourse. The second charge is a most serious one for it reveals the hatred of the nation against any message of God.
In order to eliminate the words they did not want to hear, they shut up the prophets by murdering them. The blood of God’s own is upon them and they will be accountable for what they have done. The sword had run the prophets through or decapitated them and such was the fury of that, that God compares it with a destroying lion. You can picture a rampaging angry lion destroying in fury. That is what happened to so many prophets. We tend to get into a mindset and think of the prophets as only the ones who wrote under inspiration from God in the scriptures, but there are many, many unnamed prophets who were doing God’s work and were killed for their faithfulness. The nation had the blood of the prophets on its hands, and God would remember that in the Babylonian judgement upon them.
God does not forget the blood of His own saints that has been shed. Some of the verdicts at the great white throne will be very intense as people stand there who have murdered the children of God, and, of course, other human beings. The most foul has been Mao Zedong who has the blood of between 40 to 80 million men, women, and children of China on his hands, yet China honours him as a great and honourable man.