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Armor of God – The Word

1. Hebrew Gospels

2. Sergio and Rhoda in Israel

3. Yom Teruah – The Feast of Trumpets

Ezekiel 8:13-14 Women weeping for Tamuz

Exodus 12:1-2 Passover Instituted

Deuteronomy 16:1 Observation of the month Aviv/Abib

Exodus 9:31-32 Flax and barley struck

Leviticus 23:23-24 Yom Teruah

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 Lord Himself shall descend with a shout

Matthew 24:35-36 No man knows the day and the hour

4. What really happened in Egypt

Video for a visual timeline of Abraham to Moses

Egypt’s Final Redoubt in Canaan article

Letter Sequence – 50th letter in Hebrew

Genesis: Torah

Exodus: Torah

Leviticus: YHWH or YHVH

Numbers: Torah (backwards)

Deuteronomy: Torah (backwards)

Egyptian Relations with Canaan - exhibition interview

Museum exhibition - audio guide

First “el-Amama letters”

God’s intention for Israel’s children

Genesis 50:24-26

Genesis 45:17-18

Numbers 11:4-6

Genesis 1:8-10

Exodus 32:1-5

Genesis 50:23

Numbers 32:39-41

Exodus pharaoh and his son

Joseph is Imhotep. Famine Stele links them.

Ahmose killed Moses’ generation of male children.

Hatshepsut adopted Moses.

Moses is Senenmut.

Amenhotep III is the Exodus pharaoh.

Tutankhamun was the first born of pharaoh that died.

Ay, Tutankhamun’s uncle, was left to clean up the exodus mess.

Battle of The First Born book

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