A Simple Choice: Sin Or Obedience? Series
Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Feb 20, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: In spite of our sin, we need to realize how God still desires to be with us. He loved us so much that He was willing to rescue us with death of His son because He created us for Himself and has not given up on us.
Alpha and Omega, Part 8
A simple choice: Sin or Obedience?
Genesis 3:1-13
- We’ve begun 2023 with “one purpose”: Knowing there is a God!
-- Continuing our series, “Alpha and Omega”; examining the beginning to the end
- Last week’s big ideas:
- 1. Our purpose in the Garden was simple: to care for what God created
- 2. God’s plan for woman was because man was incomplete
-- We needed a partner, someone to walk with us and share responsibility
-- Woman was planned as a counterpart to man; to compliment and comfort
- 3. She was to become one flesh with matching natures (intelligence & biology)
-- They were to value and cherish one another by being brought together
-- They were given a blameless life, filled with everything we would need …
- A note of personal observation as we dive in today …
-- We need to see God for who He is (holy), and see ourselves for we truly are …
-- Right now, there is a movement of God happening in this country
- Biblical revival has tangible results, and it looks like this:
-- A resurfacing of a love for God, an appreciation of God’s holiness, a passion for His Word and His church, a convicting awareness of personal and corporate sin, a spirit of humility, and a desire for repentance and growth in righteousness
- FACT: from Asbury to Georgia, Minnesota to Texas Tech, Oklahoma Univ, Wisconsin, Iowa State, North Dakota, Cedarville, & Samford … God is moving
-- WHY? I think the reason is clear: This generation has realized who they are, and how much they need God in their lives … and I wonder if we’d do the same?
-- I wonder if we would seek God in the same manner, and need Him also?
-- Truth: Even in our sin, God still loves us – and we need to grasp that today
- Let’s dive into our passage for today … Read Genesis 3:1-13 / Pray
- OPEN CHALLENGE: I want us to see most importantly, our role/response in all of this!
Point 1 – The serpent uses doubt to divert our eyes from God
- Key things to remember … man was:
• Created deliberately
• He received life by the ‘breath of God’
• Was given dominion over everything God created
• He was also innocent of sin (there was nothing to keep him from God)
- This is critical in our understanding today - must know who we are
-- Innocence is different than righteousness and they are not interchangeable
-- Righteousness can only be given by a just (sinless) God (it is His to give)
- It is only God who has the power to redeem us … because we are His creation
-- APP: We must live like we value what God offers more than this world does
- This is why Jesus is called righteous - He maintained His innocence (sinless)
-- His life that demonstrates for us how much God wants us to be His
-- His death on the cross took on our punishment - for the sins we would commit
-- Face it: We fail at temptation daily … it is the reason we need a Savior
- KEY: Temptation has the capacity to strengthen us or the ability to tear us apart
-- Working through (avoiding) temptation is how we develop character (strength)
- This is a critical point to grasp: when tempted we often fail ... why?
-- APP: It is because of the war of the flesh that rages within us day and night
-- Being created with the “ability to choose” is where we get to choose Him
- But we choose to sin - we choose to disobey (God nor the devil makes us sin)
-- Life App Here: Don’t give the devil this much credit, especially as a believer
- Comedian Flip Wilson used to say “The devil made me do it” ... untrue!
-- The devil simply put the idea out there - the choice to do it is ours!
- In Gen 2:16-17 God gives man very clear instructions (condition) on how to live
-- Read: We can eat anything in the Garden; but avoid tree of knowledge good/evil
- Satan is introduced (v1), and his ability to utilize any creature is exposed
-- Now, don’t glance over this … because Satan is more crafty than we realize
-- Also, the fact that we have a talking snake here is NOT the key issue
-- APP: Have to get past this else we will get hung up on what doesn’t matter
- FACT: Satan has ability to change his appearance; even appear appealing to us
-- EX: Speaking of false prophets and how dangerous they are, Paul reminds us that in 2 Cor 11:14, “… even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.”