
Summary: We live in a corrupt world. Truth has stumbled in the street, and uprightness cannot enter. Satan permeates right through society especially in the judiciary. There is little justice any more. We look at ways Christians are penalised by Satan’s system, but evil is promoted.

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We continue this study of the schemes Satan uses to infiltrate all aspects of humanity. His influence is everywhere. We need wisdom and reliance on the Lord for the battle we are engaged in. We will examine two more of these schemes. God has allowed us to examine satan's schemes so we know them.


When a castle was built, it was protected and fortified by guards and towers, moats and drawbridges. These are all legitimate images of what a Christian should do in his and her life; churches as well need those measures. We need to guard what has been entrusted to us and stand in protection of our faith. {{1Timothy 6:18-21 “Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, storing up for themselves THE TREASURE OF A GOOD FOUNDATION FOR THE FUTURE, so that they may take hold of that which is life indeed. O Timothy, GUARD WHAT HAS BEEN ENTRUSTED TO YOU, avoiding worldly and empty chatter and the opposing arguments of what is falsely called “knowledge” - which some have professed and thus gone astray from the faith. Grace be with you.”}}

The castle guard must be equipped with the full armour that brings us to Ephesians and the armour given. The towers on castles had several functions and they served as protection and lookouts. Jesus is our strong tower and the word is mentioned a few times in the Psalms such as this one – {{Psalm 61:3 “You have been a refuge for me, A TOWER OF STRENGTH against the enemy.”}}

The purpose of moats was to make a ditch barrier against the enemy so it would not cross over. Do Christians need moats in their lives? They most certainly do. They need to separate the access for the enemy. Examination must be made in each life so we can deepen the moat against the wiles of Satan for we are not ignorant of his schemes. {{2Corinthians 2:11 “in order that no advantage be taken of us by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his schemes.”}} He attacks spirit, soul and body. Our moats must strengthen against those attacks. One other thing. Vigilance is needed to keep the moat clear of any debris the enemy can use to ford the moat. In our lives that vigilance must be done so the demonic forces don’t have an access.

The purpose of the drawbridge was to grant access to friends and to deny access to enemies. Discrimination was needed to differentiate the difference and if not properly done, then we let the enemy slip in to our peril. All Christians must have functioning drawbridges and they must be inspected so that the chains and pulleys are kept in good order. The Master of inspection has to do that job, and that is the Lord. We must employ Him to keep our drawbridges working correctly.

What now of Satan’s devices and schemes? He wants to destroy our castles, and so will attack each of the four items mentioned here. We have been looking at various ways Satan implements his schemes in the world. We know some of the methods he uses. We ought not be ignorant but some Christians are.

The devil is building his own castles and reinforcing them. The filthiness of some of his methods is abominable. Take for example the sin of homosexuality. As Christians, we don’t go out of our way to attack homosexuals but we recognise that that sin, in essence, is just as destroying as fraud or murder or stealing or hate, etc., for all sin separates from God and earns the penalty of eternal damnation. However in Satan’s case, we know he not only promotes the sin, but protects it.

More and more legislatures are enshrining the practice of homosexuality and homosexual marriage into law with penalties for those who oppose those rulings. Speaking out against this may result in prison. The same applies to abortion. Satan has locked in laws through his demonic agents to protect his ongoing evil. A terrible thing is planned for Australia. The Federal Parliament is trying to introduce a “Disinformation and Misinformation Bill” that will penalise and silence all those who disagree with Government policy. That is lethal against Christians. They will be silenced (even in churches) from opposing gender distortions, abortion, the ruination and sexualising of children, and not supporting Palestinians. That is what you get by having a totalitarian government. The nation voted them in. The nation must love it that way.

There are two ways to stifle Christians in this world and Satan is using both. The first is to deny them rightful means, and the second is to legislate against them in a punitive way. The devil uses both. As I mentioned in an earlier matter, Christians are forbidden to be within 100 metres of an abortion clinic where the god Moloch murders the unborn in the metaphorical fire of abortion. Then the second means, the punitive one, is that Christians can be arrested, jailed or fined even for standing within that 100 metres praying. Such is the great hold Satan now has over the leaders of nations, than he reinforces all his territory through his governmental agents.

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