Memorials? Series
Contributed by Paul Clemente on Feb 27, 2022 (message contributor)
Summary: how do we see communion?
Please open your Bibles to Joshua Chapter 4….
Under the leadership of Joshua, the Israelites, God’s Chosen People, were commanded by God to cross the Jordan river and claim the land promised to them.
As we noted in Joshua 3, the flow of the mighty Jordan River was held by the power of God and the Israelites were able to walk on dry land to cross over to the Promised Land.
We read at the beginning of Joshua 4, God instructed Joshua and the Israelites to set up a memorial as a sign of God’s power and grace. We noted 3 things last week from setting up that memorial to strengthen our faith and those we impact.
We are to listen to God’s Word daily!
We are to yield to God and obey Him always!
We are to gather regularly as God’s people to worship the Triune God!
In preparation for Communion this morning, we will save verses 10-18 of Joshua 4 for next week and simply learn from Joshua 4:19-24 today….. read along ….
V19 tells us that they moved on, on the tenth day of the first month; this may not mean much for us but if we go back in time, we read in Exodus 12:3, Tell the whole community of Israel that on the tenth day of this month each man is to take a lamb for his family, one for each household.
v19: notes for us, the 40 years of wandering, because of their sins, was finally over for the Israelites as they now camp in the Promised Land. God will judge sin, provides forgiveness, and keeps His promises in time!
v20: Joshua completed the instruction from God by setting up the memorial.
v21-24: Joshua explained the reasons for the memorial:
To remind future generations of Israel of the power and grace of God
To tell the whole world of the power of the reality and power of God
To remember to “fear” God always
Again there are times when we have to dig a bit to learn what God is saying. Does fear in this passage mean to be scared of God? In a way, we should be scared of God because He is almighty and can do whatever He pleases! But God could have just drowned all the Israelites if He wanted to, but He held back the might Jordan River. The original Hebrew word for fear in this passage actually means to be in awe and to revere. And so, to fear God always means i.e. to be in awe and revere God always!
Before we talk about the applications for our lives today, look back with me to Joshua 2:8-14….
The memorial is set up to tell people about God and 2 things already happened because they heard about God!
A non-believer believed in God (Rahab believed in God and from her family The Messiah Jesus Christ was born!)
Enemies of God will “melt away”!
Memorials for God will be powerful only if:
They are instructed by God!
The people obey in “fear” of God!
What is the most important memorial established by Jesus Christ for His followers?
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ told His Disciples to remember what He did for them and the world using bread and drink as symbols of His body and blood. God through the apostle Paul tells us that all Christians are to remember what Jesus did by taking Communion on a regular basis till He returns.
Just like Joshua and the Israelites of old, memorials for God will only be powerful and effective if people obey God. If you are a Believer of Jesus Christ, we are to remember what Jesus did for us through Communion on a regular basis. Do we really believe that Jesus Christ is God, became human, suffered and died for our sins, rose from the dead and returned to heaven, but soon will return to earth to judge all?
If you are a Believer of Jesus Christ, obey and celebrate communion in awe and reverence of God!
If you are not a Believer of Jesus Christ, be warned; the Word of God is clear. 1 Corinthians 11:27-29 states…
And like the enemies of God in Joshua’s time, if you are an unbeliever of Jesus Christ, your destiny is to “melt away” as well. As we noted earlier, God will judge sin, provides forgiveness, and keeps His promises in time! Today is a day to remember and know the power and love of God by believing in Jesus Christ!!
Take a moment to quietly pray to God and humble yourself before Jesus Christ….