John- Believe In Jesus And Live!-Part 7- " Pure Love" Series
Contributed by Randy Edwards on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Part 7 of the John - Believe in Jesus and live series
“Pure love”
John 13:34-35
Ronnie Millsap recorded a song back in the 70’s
Called “pure love”
I used to listen to that song for hours
I loved it, my Dad on the other hand got sick of hearing it
Pure love
Baby its pure love
99 and 44 one hundredths percent pure love
In preparing for today’s message
I read John 13 over and over again
I read about Jesus washing the feet of his disciples
On the night before his final persecution began
I tried to see how I could use passage of scripture in my life
How I could show you how to use it in your life
How this passage of scripture could make me better
Show me the holes in my own character
I now understand
You see
Jesus went beyond 99 and 44/100th
He was all in
100% pure love
A true servant
Does not look for the glory for himself
They instead look at how they can serve others
In our study today we find Jesus teaching his disciples
His public ministry has come to an end
Due to the increased persecution
He is now giving hands on
Instruction to his boys
Preparing them
For the change that is coming
Please open your bibles to John 13
Let me read for you verses 34 and 35
Throw your bulletin in there as we will go back there a couple of times this morning
John 13:34-35
“34 So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. 35 Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”
Jesus in a single act of love
Shows us what pure love is
Love each other
As I have loved you is what he tells us
This is where I want to camp out this morning
How do we do that?
How do we love as Jesus loved?
Can we do it?
Is it possible?
This was new teaching at the time Jesus said this
It was actually very revolutionary
But this new teaching did not negate the old
The book of Leviticus 19:18 tells us a bit about love
“Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against a fellow Israelite, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.
This ties in so tight with the golden rule from Matthew 7
To Paraphrase
“Do to others what you want them to do to you”
All the way back in the Old Testament we see we are supposed to love others
But Jesus raises the bar
Jesus is good at raising the bar
He sets a higher standard
Because there is no other standard that we should measure our life by
Remember the OT law says
Do not murder
But Jesus says being mad at someone and having hate in your heart is the same thing
He raises the bar
The 10 commandments say do not commit adultery
Don’t cheat on your wife or your husband
But Jesus says if you even look at someone with lust
It is the same as cheating
Jesus raises the bar
He sets the standard higher
Why does he do this?
He does this to show us our need for him
He does this to show us our need for grace
He does this to show us our need for mercy
He does this to show us that we are unable to NOT break the law
We are all sinners
And in showing us that we are all sinners
And in showing us that we deserve judgment
Jesus in his love
Shows us the way to forgiveness and redemption
He shows us how to not have to face the punishment for our sins
So in verse 34 and 35
He does not tell us to love others like we love ourselves
We know that when we love others as ourselves, we usually are successful at showing love
Jesus also knows that often times we don’t love ourselves
Disappointment can cause us not to love ourselves sometimes
Cause us not to love ourselves sometimes
So if we are capable of not loving ourselves
We are capable of not loving others or showing love to others
He does not tell us to love our neighbors as the Old Testament does
Because Jesus knows
That we sometimes have trouble loving our neighbors
At 10:00 at night
When I am trying to go to sleep and my neighbors start up again with the boomty boomty music
My love level for the neighbors is a little low
I would feel pretty safe in saying many of you may have similar feelings
You see Jesus knows that as humans we often have trouble with love