
Summary: This is the final message in this series. If your faith has ever been shaken to the core, this text is for you! It was a turbulent time for the disciples’ faith.

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- What Will You Do With Jesus?-

Will You Doubt Him?

John 20:19-31


If your faith has ever been shaken to the core, this text is for you! It was a turbulent time for the disciples’ faith. Jesus had been killed in a horrific way. The disciples had seen the empty tomb, but not Jesus. They are huddled inside a locked room, afraid for their lives. This is when Jesus comes and stands among them. This text reveals five things that Jesus came to give the baffled disciples as they encounter the risen Savior for the first time!

1. Jesus Came to Give Them Five Things (John 20:19-23)

*Peace (19 On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”).

Shalom – May God give you every good thing. This was most definitely not a peaceful time for them. We all need peace personally, family, the world around us. Remember that Jesus is the Prince of Peace! He understood their difficult situation and sought to bring peace.

*Joy (20 After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.). Once they realized that Jesus had really risen, they were filled with joy. Not only did they realize the One they loved was alive, they realized that his teachings were authoritative and true. Jesus’ presence in our life brings us joy, the overwhelming sense that all will be well, even when we are going through a storm.

*Mission (21 Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”). The work was to continue on - bringing the Kingdom to the lost world! In the other Gospels we have the Great Commission!

*Holy Spirit (22 And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”). God breathing life into the nostrils of Adam (Genesis 2:7). God calling upon the winds to breathe life into the valley of dry bones (Ezekiel 37:9). God breathes new life into us when we are baptized and the Spirit comes to live within us (Acts 2:38).

*Message (23 If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.). Power to proclaim forgiveness was entrusted to Apostles. We have the message of grace and forgiveness to share with a lost world!

A Risen Jesus gave them / gives us Peace, Joy, Mission, Spirit, Message. … but somebody wasn’t in the room!

2. The Thing About Thomas (John 20:24-29)

Thomas has been called ‘doubting’ Thomas, which sells him short. What do we know about Thomas? (Mostly from John). Thomas was Willing to Die with Jesus. When they were going into enemy territory to raise Lazarus, “Then Thomas said to the rest of the disciples, “Let us also go, that we may die with him.” John 11:16

Thomas Desired to Learn & Know the Truth, John 14:5-6 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” Thomas Declared Jesus as Lord and God (John 20:24).

Thomas loved Jesus, no doubt. After the cross he faced his suffering and sorrow alone. He made the mistake of with-drawing from Christian fellowship. Thomas was a devoted and strong believer - but in the moment that all the others received confirmation of the resurrection, he was not there. This was a momentary situation that was resolved.We identify with Thomas here because all of us have had times of wondering, doubt, uncertainty, struggle. What can we see here that will help us make it through those times?

3. What To Remember When we Face our Own Doubts

Doubt Is The Normal Experience Of Every Believer (Tripp). No matter how theologically astute or biblically literate you are, you'll still have mysteries in your life. Between the 'already' and the 'not yet' there will be moments when God confuses you, when it seems like he isn't answering, and when he feels distant and uncaring. There will be moments when life doesn't make any sense! All of us will face situations like these believers when doubt, confusion and fear is more natural than confidence in God. The question is: what will you do with your doubt? Will you get mad and walk away from God, or in the pain of doubt will you cry out to God for help, exercising weak faith and little prayers?

God Doesn't Mock Weak Faith Or Little Prayers (Tripp). This little story preaches grace to us. God didn't ridicule the disciples gathered behind the locked door for their weak faith and little prayers. He came in and spoke PEACE to them! The Lord knows we're weak, and that why he has promised to be our strength.

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