
Summary: We are to avoid the hypocrisy of the world and be faithful witnesses and understand that everything we do will be examined by God.

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The importance of our mission (Luke, Part 6)

Luke 12:1-12; 13:10-17; 13:31-35

Introduction / Recap

- The study of Luke is an interesting one for believers to dive into

-- We see Luke’s interest in humanity (it’s genuine, rem: career as a physician)

-- We also get to experience how Jesus interacts with society; He goes to them!

- Last week, we unpacked one of the meatiest messages of this series

-- As Christians are we following Jesus, or we are choosing to do our own thing

-- BIG: The reward of the follower is more than Heaven; it’s never walking alone

-- Fact: We can do what is before us because He already has shown us the way

- Today, we have a few challenges before us from scripture

-- Primarily, we’ll see how Jesus handles the criticisms to God’s work

-- Prayerfully, we’ll learn how to apply how He responded to these comments

-- See this: Sometimes, being direct is called for - especially when truth matters

- Read Luke 12:1-12; 13:10-17; 13:31-35 / Pray

- TR: Let’s begin with a challenge we may face daily

Point 1 – Jesus warns us to avoid hypocrisy (Luke 12:1-12)

- Need us to see, many came to see Jesus; so much so there were thousands!

-- Why? When there is a “new thing”, many come to see what’s happening

-- Adage: Even a new broom sweeps well for a while …

- But some were eager to hear the Word of God (reputation has been spreading)

-- Some, eagerly desired to hear and learn – and yes some came for “the show”

-- It is no different than churches today – a new thing attracts the curious

-- But see this: when they came Jesus spoke truth to them always

- But it is the religious folks who had a problem with Him; gives 2 messages

-- First, Jesus (v1) warns the disciples to beware of hypocrisy and:

• The religious rituals (more importance placed on those)

• How they worshiped and taught (pride vs. humility)

• What their doctrine was founded on (their 600+ laws vs. God’s commands)

- The disciples are warned to specifically avoid this (v2) hypocrisy because:

• Every deed will be exposed

• Every word thought or spoken will be exposed

-- Jeremiah 32:19, “You have all wisdom and do great and mighty miracles. You see the conduct of all people, and you give them what they deserve.”

-- Tremendous insight for us today: what you say/do matters: God is taking note

- The second message was to the crowd in general (v4-12)

1. Do not fear men; fear God who has power to control your eternity

2. Do not fear a lack of necessities; God provides for even the smallest birds

3. Jesus’ promises that all men shall be judged before God’s angels

• First, judgment will be accomplished by the Son of Man (Jesus’ name)

-- Matthew 25:32, “All the nations will be gathered in his presence, and he will separate the people as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.”

• Second, man’s judgement is based on how they treated Jesus

--- Matthew 10:32, “Everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven.”

-- Consider: What if God asked you, “What have you done with my Son?” (pause)

4. Fear the unpardonable sin

• Blasphemy against Christ

• Blasphemy against the work of the Holy Spirit

- Let’s dig into this … What is the work of the Spirit? To draw men to God!

-- John 6:44, “For no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them to me, and at the last day I will raise them up.”

-- Blasphemy against the Spirit is rejecting what the Spirit does/offers

-- When you reject what God offers, it is unforgiveable (ends in place called hell)

5. Do not fear persecution and trials; the Spirit is what empowers us!

-- Critical: Because of the Holy Spirit, we have power and authority in Him

-- He teaches us what to say, when we need it – He is our power (Peter, Acts 3)

- Simple truth: God can be trusted when we have a need b/c He strengthens us

-- Therefore, avoid the hypocrisy of the world, and put faith in God’s provisions

-- Avoid the world’s hypocrisy but tuning into what God offers you!

- TR: Let’s look at how Jesus demonstrates avoiding hypocrisy …

Point 2 – Jesus shows the value of our mission (Luke 13:10-17)

- Jesus taught spoke, but on this day, He teaches in a synagogue on the Sabbath

-- To our knowledge, this is the first time He ever did such a thing

-- While teaching, He does something that outrages the religious: heals woman

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