Just Say No! Series
Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Adultery is a major issue in the USA, which makes it a very relevant topic to discuss in church.
June 7, 2009
Just Say No!
Exodus 20:14
Matthew 5:27-28
An elderly couple was sitting by their fireplace, enjoying their evening. They were reminiscing about their years together, when the husband said to his wife, “After 50 years, I found you tried and true.” The wife, whose hearing was poor, asked, “What?” He said, “After 50 years I’ve found you tried and true.” To which she replied, “After 50 years, I’m tired of you, too.” Isn’t communication fun? But miscommunication, that can be a disaster.
We can have good natured fun at the differences between men and women. We can laugh at how men seem to react one way and women a totally different way over the very same issue. Even in the midst of frustration it’s surprising that we can laugh at ourselves and our differences. The title of John Gray’s 2002 book, Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, sometimes seems right on. Yet, in spite of all of our differences, God has created men and women to live together, but sometimes that can be a real struggle.
I found a letter to Dear Abby, that makes its point loud and clear when it comes to today’s commandment. The letter goes like this . . .
How about a letter from a "winner?" My married lover left his wife for me. I was told that I wasn’t breaking up anything; his marriage was dead long before he met me; his wife had gotten fat. I was married too, but I assured him that my marriage was also over; my husband had gotten dull and boring. So I divorced my boring husband and he divorced his chubby wife. We both had children, but we explained that we were both in love and when they were older they would understand.
Our marriage was a dream come true. No more lying and sneaking around. At long last we were legally husband and wife for all the world to see. Our apartment was filled with modern furniture, old-fashioned guilt, and plenty of doubt and mistrust. Two years later he was meeting someone new. I told him he was a liar and a cheat. He said it took one to know one. And by the way, he had gotten a little dull and boring, and I had put on a little weight. Signed: A Winner.
This is the testimony of one person who followed the wisdom of the world, thinking “the grass is greener on the other side.” She wrote to express the regret that many experience who have listened to the cries of “so-called experts” and follow the example of celebrities.
SLIDEToday we are venturing into deep and stormy waters when we talk about the very simple command from God in this 7th commandment, “You shall not commit adultery.”
This is the shortest message I may ever give. Very simply God said don’t commit adultery . . . so don’t. Don’t give in to the temptations that are put before you. Don’t look, don’t touch, don’t give your heart, don’t give your mind, don’t give your body, don’t, don’t, don’t.
Do you understand me? Are you listening? DON’T!! DON’T!! DON’T!!
Okay, I’ve it, I’ve said exactly what God put in my heart! I should be done with my message. I really don’t think there’s much else that I need to say about adultery, but you know me, and you know I’ve always got something to say. So, strap yourself in, because today, like it or not, we’re getting pretty blunt about this topic.
Many people in our society claim there’s nothing wrong with having affairs, that our needs must be satisfied, and the only way to do that is to serve the god of lust and deception. The media has trained us to believe that there are no or at the minimum, there are limited consequences. I grew up with the popular TV show “The Love Boat.” It was like a modern day “Beverly Hills 90210” kind of show. The basic premise was that you get on the boat for three or four days; people find love and sleep together, then they come home happy. It wasn’t real life, but during the run of The Love Boat, the cruise industry grew by over 1,000 %. So, don’t tell me there weren’t people looking for love and romance, with Captain Stuebing, Julie, Gopher, Isaac and Doc greeting and blessing them.
Today’s television shows make The Love Boat look like the Dick Van Dyke show where Rob and Laura didn’t even sleep together. But today’s programs show people sleeping together without real consequences in their lives. When children and adults watch these programs, they begin to think about love in surreal terms. These programs lead many to think that married life will always be exciting, passion filled and romantic. As soon as you walk in the door, the fireworks will be shooting. We hope that will typify our life, but in reality that’s a fantasy.