
Summary: God has a prefect plan; God is faithful; God will use us for His plan!

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Please open your Bibles to the Gospel of Luke. In the beginning of Luke Chapter 1, we noted the story of the godly priest Zechariah. God told Zechariah that through him and his wife Elizabeth they were going to have a son even in their old age. Zechariah did not believe the word of God therefore God made him mute.

In our passage today, we will learn the rest of the story. But here is the summary of the message this morning:

God has a perfect plan!

God is faithful to His plan!

God will use people for His plan!

What’s God’s plan for you?

Let us look at how God did these things through Zechariah, Elizabeth, and John the Baptist; then we will close with applications to our lives today.

Before reading, let us pray with sincerity our commitment to God’s Word……….

Read along with me Luke 1:57-80…..

v58 - Elizabeth and friends rejoiced because of God’s mercy.

What was God’s plan for Elizabeth?

What did God do for Elizabeth? v57 – God gave a son to Elizabeth even though she was barren all her life!

Nothing is impossible with God!

We note in v59 that when the boy was to be circumcised, “they” (likely the church leaders and elders) were going to name the boy Zechariah. But in v60 we note Elizabeth telling them to name the boy John. Why did Elizabeth go against the church leaders and Elders?

Look back briefly to v13……. Zechariah could not speak because of his unbelief but he must have written to his wife Elizabeth what God said. 2 quick things we can note about this: Elizabeth listened to her husband and followed his instructions but more importantly she trusted God with the command to name their son John.

Ladies, trust God always no matter what! People will fail you, your spouse and your family will fail you, your friends will fail you, your pastor will fail you. BUT, God will never fail you! Trust God always for He is Perfect and Faithful!

Guys, we need to be spiritual leaders! As we daily look in the mirror, let us ask ourselves, “how am I doing as a spiritual leader with my family?”

But of course back then, no one would listen to a woman, and so they asked her husband Zechariah. We read in v63, Zechariah obeyed God and wrote "His name is John." And because Zechariah obeyed what God told him to do, what immediately happened? V64…

But more importantly, because Zechariah obeyed God and God was faithful what 2 things do we read happened in v65-67??

Because Zechariah obeyed God and God is always faithful:

1. People around Zechariah were filled with awe and wonder about God!

2. Zechariah himself was empowered by God!

And as we had noted last week from Mary, the mother of Jesus, as one Humble themselves to Jesus Christ, Think about who God is, Honor God. and Acknowledge the presence of God within, then a WORSHIP of God will happen spiritually and naturally!

This is what happened to Zechariah and we read his worship of God in v68-79. What did Zechariah say about God? Let us read together v68-75………

What can we note about God from Zechariah’s praise?

God has redeemed people! Redeem means being bought back! God gave Jesus Christ to pay for people’s sins and anyone who accepts Jesus Christ as God and Savior will be brought back to perfection with God!

Have you been bought back to your Creator God? Can you personally sing with truth that hymn, “Redeemed by His infinite mercy, a child and forever I am!” Redemption back to God only happens through belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior!

God is faithful! God said through His prophets that a Savior will come from the lineage of King David and God was doing just this through Mary!

God is merciful! Even though Israel was hated and sinned against God, God will save them also through the Messiah Jesus Christ! And what can we say from v74-75?

God empowers people the ability to do His glorious work! And,

God blesses! From v75, what kind of blessings does God give to people who believe in Him?? – Holiness and righteousness!

And in v76-80, we can note the reality of God through a person called John the Baptist!

God called John the Baptist to prepare the way for Jesus Christ. God empowered John with confidence, knowledge, love, strength, and perseverance!

As I had noted earlier, the summary of the message this morning from this passage is:

God has a perfect plan! God is faithful to His plan! God will use people for His plan!

Let us apply this message to our lives today.

1. What’s God’s perfect plan for you?? Write down what you know………

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