
Summary: 35 verses give us a complete insight into the mind of God as author, creator, sovereign, all-powerful, and later even as redeemer. In these verses we can see Him and all that He is, and choose to worship Him in His glory!

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Alpha and Omega, Part 6

God’s finished work of Creation

Genesis 1:26 – 2:4


- We’ve begun the year with “one purpose”: Knowing there is a God!

-- Just as a building requires a builder, a creation must have a Creator

- Continuing our series, “Alpha and Omega”; looking at the beginning to the end

-- Been studying 2 critical questions: How did we get here? How does it end?

- Last week’s big ideas (re: v26)

1. God’s sovereignty is always on display

-- He created in His own image, for His glory, so we can see Him in everything

2. God had a clear purpose for creating mankind (to reign & worship)

-- Even though He knew we would sin … He still chose to create us for Himself

-- Even (big) in our rebellion, He still provides a way for us to know Him (Jesus)

3. God’s creation of mankind was deliberate

-- Mind blowing: He discussed our creation with The Son and The Spirit

-- He desired that we would know Him, working & praising & fellowshipping

-- APP: Our response is what demonstrates who He is in our life (action & words)

- Let’s look at our passage for today … Read Genesis 1:26 – 2:4 / Pray

- TR: Touched on this last week – want to ensure we have a clear understanding

-- Our were placed on this earth for one primary purpose …

Point 1 – Humans were created to reflect God

- First, we see God’s decision to create; and then it was done by His word

-- However, what God has created is not just something that looks like Him

-- What he’s created is something that contains His own attributes

- What man has that animals do not is critical thinking – the ability to reason

-- Animals realize their environment; but for them it is an instinctive realization

- Mankind not only realizes creation, but we interact and directly affect it

-- Specifically, we are given dominion over it (to care for it: nourish, etc.)

-- Hebrew: radah; to have dominion; rule; dominate

-- EX: We can appreciate beauty & consider when/how to do right or wrong

- Analogy: We would not chew our shoes due to the consequences; puppy would

- They act on instinct, we are given a choice and can change our course of action

- Being created in His image ALSO gives us the ability to reflect God’s emotions

-- It’s given so we’d mirror Him to those we encounter; (ex) to show love of God

-- HUGE example of God reacting to us: Romans 5:8 says, “But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.”

-- Don’t miss: How we react to others shows how this verse applies to us (grace)

- It’s in this that shows we were created to respond, or go to, to God for guidance

-- Why? So we’d live our life in worship and adoration of Him – and Him alone

-- It’s a gift from God to have his characteristics, to reflect Him in how we live

-- It’s what separates us from the animals; and what we must grasp in this series

- TR: So, in our reflection of Him, we are also given a blessing …

Point 2 – Humanity is blessed to populate the Earth

- God gives us a blessing in how we should continue to live (v28)

-- It is critical to comprehend this: be fruitful and multiply (or, make more of)

-- Look let’s just say it: This is a GOOD thing given by God!

- However, it comes with a specific direction and the words are clear:

-- Hebrew: parah; to bear fruit (multiply)

-- Hebrew: barak; to bless

-- Obvious: We cannot reproduce without each of these: a man and a woman

- Chris Bruno, Crossway Magazine writes, “When we think about the message of the Bible, we have a story that can be summarized by creation, fall, redemption, and new creation. The God who creates is also the God who redeems!”

- And in that, God has graciously given us everything on this Earth to govern

-- The discipleship challenge is … will we live our lives to reflect this?

- Here’s the tough challenge for us today:

-- Will we act in a way that reflects everything that God has done for us?

-- For example, even in the simplest things the bible gives very clear instructions

-- 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

- Paul is not telling us how to eat a hamburger or how to drink a cup of coffee

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