Engage In Good Deeds Series
Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Being engaged in good deeds we will avoid foolish controversies & divisiveness and live a fruitful life. The only evidence the unsaved world has that we belong to God is our godly lives & the deeds God does through us.
TITUS 3: 8-15
The result of the kindness, love, mercy and grace of God is hope. We draw on the riches of God in this life while looking for the blessed hope of Jesus’ return (v. 7). Those that have received these riches and hope in Jesus will live godly lives that are full of good deeds (CIT). Being engaged in good deeds we will avoid foolish controversies and divisiveness and live a fruitful life. The only evidence the unsaved world has that we belong to God is our godly lives and the deeds God does through us.
Verse 8 relays to us a trustworthy statement. “This is a trustworthy statement; and concerning these things I want you to speak confidently, so that those who have believed God will be careful to engage in good deeds. These things are good and profitable for men.”
Paul continues the strong motive for living the Christian life that came from reflecting on the work of Christ. Based on these doctrinal evidences and our personal experiences we can speak with confidence. The world speaks confidently about frivolous matters of no consequences. Christians must speak convincingly about that which is weighty and of utmost significance.
Paul then gives the reason he wants Titus, and us to speak boldly. The purpose clause introduces three points of instructions for true Christians or “those who have believed in God.”
The first is an emphasis upon action. Believers are to be careful to be engaged. They are to be active in life. They are to take hold of life and not simply let life take hold of them. The new life in the Spirit is discovered by those who have become participants instead of audience or spectators. A concentration of the mind is to be combine with physical and spiritual effort to bring about our engagement in life. A decision to be engaged, to be active is integral and essential to the Christian life.
The second point is the outcome of engaging our actions so that they result in good works. The inner Christian life is viewed from its visible out workings. Good works do not necessarily mean religious or church work. It is great to work at church, sing in the choir, and hold an office; but it is also good to serve our unsaved neighbors, to be helpful in the community, and to have a reputation for assisting those in need. Baby-sitting to relieve a harassed young mother is as spiritual a work as passing out a Gospel tract. The best way a local church has to witness to the lost is through the sacrificial service of its members. [Wiersbe, Warrren. The Bible Exposition Commentary. Vol 2. 1989. Victor Books. Wheaton IL. p. 268.]
The third consideration is that good works are profitable for men. Not only are good works excellent in themselves [which is reason enough to perform them,] but they are also beneficial, or useful for those that do them as well as those that observe them (Mt. 5:16). When motivated by love and done in the power of the Spirit, they bring life, light, joy and peace where before there was death, darkness, sadness and fear.
God has something He wants you to accomplish and that He is calling you to do. He will provide what you need to accomplish them. As Ephesians 2:10 puts it, “....join Him in the work He does, the good work He has gotten ready for us to do” [The Message]. May the Lord find us faithful (1 Cor. 4:2).
Have you found a place in God’s service where you can be used by Him? Let’s “do good” and “be rich in good works” (1 Tim. 6:18).
It seems like every church has its problem people. Here Titus is warned to avoid those who like to argue about unimportant things. Verse 9 contains a some directions concerning things we should shun. “But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and strife and disputes about the Law, for they are unprofitable and worthless.”
Titus is to see these foolish inquires and meaningless issues as “unprofitable and worthless.” They won’t lead to the attainment or advancement of godliness. [What a contrast between the useless nonsense and the essential matters that have been discussed.] A Christian who wants to further the gospel will not have time for such disputes.
How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? Can God make a rock so big that He cann’t move it? Where did Cain get his wife? Such questions produce only endless speculation -and far more heat than light!
It is hard to believe that people spent time debating such trivial matters. After all, they really don't make much difference in what I believe and no difference in how I ought to live. We, however, sometimes get caught up in things that really are not essential. Such speculations seldom edify and often create ill will, pride, controversy, and strife.