
Summary: The Church has a fantastic elation coming to it. When all believers are caught up to be with the Lord, great will be the joy. This will be the first time ALL the Church is together. The Rapture is the gathering of the Bride, Christ's redeemed Bride.



Like baptism, sadly the general church teaching has missed the boat on this issue as well. Earlier in these studies I raised the matter of the Reformation church not adhering fully to scripture and it also continued the teaching of the Roman Catholic church on eschatology, of which the Rapture is part. The RC church does not accept the Rapture and that just naturally flowed on into Reformation churches as a number of practices did. Those who reject the Rapture just have one coming to wrap up the age – the Second Coming – and many are confused on prophetic matters and can not explain the Old Testament prophets properly.

There are some who recognise that the Lord will catch up His saints to meet Him in the air, but because they are committed to “no separate Rapture” then they teach that it happens this way: The Lord catches up His saints and straight away continues with them to the earth in the Second Coming. What sense does that make? It is stupid to me. When will the marriage supper of the Lamb happen, because in Revelation 19, it happens in heaven BEFORE the Second Coming? That proves the Church is already in heaven. And when will happen the judgement seat of Christ for rewards? These must be in place so the Bride is righteously adorned for her Groom in the Revelation marriage of Chapter 19. Therefore the Bride/Church is already in heaven. It had to be raptured before the Second Coming and prepared in heaven.

The Lord has been calling righteous members to Himself since Eden, but the time comes for Him to call to Himself the Church, bringing the whole body of believers together, these who have passed into His presence, and those still living on earth when He comes for them. The entire Old Testament and New Testament believers will be together with Him. It is a monstrous thing to spiritualise prophetic passages away. If you begin doing that, you can spiritualise anything away including Calvary. Those who are most negative about the Rapture are often confused and insufficient about the Old Testament Prophetic books.

Anyway, let’s look at what the bible called “the glorious hope” (AV) for the Church. The NASB calls it this – {{Titus 2:13 “looking for THE BLESSED HOPE and THE APPEARING OF THE GLORY OF OUR GREAT GOD AND SAVIOUR, CHRIST JESUS.”}}

In that verse Paul has included both future comings of the Lord Jesus Christ. The glorious/blessed hope is for Christians and that is what we earnestly long for, not for the wrath that comes after the Rapture when the Tribulation comes on earth. Jesus underwent the wrath of God for sin FOR US at Calvary and there is NO WAY that God will put us through wrath for sin THAT Christ BORE FOR US. It is utterly unthinkable.

In the title I used the word “ELATION” for it is not possible for us now to imagine what it will be like when we are all suddenly in the Lord’s presence when He comes to claim His own reward that is the Church. He died for her; He nourishes her; He keeps her; and He will come back for her. Elation is great delight and joy.

In the past I have posted on the Rapture and the articles are in the Eschatology Prophecy Series, so now I want to touch on the relevant passages so that we might read the word of God and be blessed in the fulfilling hope to come. The Rapture closes the Church age and it is really very close. The signs of 2Timothy 3 are with us.


[[1]]. {{John 14:1-3 “Let not your heart be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many dwelling places. If it were not so, I would have told you for I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go and prepare a place for you, I WILL COME AGAIN AND RECEIVE YOU TO MYSELF that where I am, there you may be also”}}

The expression there about coming again has a double application as a lot of scripture does. The Lord did come again to the disciples after His resurrection, but in a greater fulfilment, He is coming again for His Church. Did you know there is a special crown awaiting all those who are looking forward and love His appearing – {{2Timothy 4:8 “In the future there is laid up for me THE CROWN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me, but also to all WHO HAVE LOVED HIS APPEARING.”}} For those who despise the Rapture, there will be no crown. For those who are careless and off-handed about their faith and love this present world so much, there will be no crown.

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