Real Peole , Real Problems A Study Of 1 Samuel Part 2, Eli- Kid Problems Series
Contributed by Randy Edwards on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Part 2 of our study of 1 Samuel
Real People- Real Problems
A study of 1 Samuel
Part 2
1 Samuel 2: 12-36
Today we are going to continue our study of 1 Samuel
And the series titled
Real People- Real Problems
Last week we studied a great woman of faith
And learned how she overcome her problems,
Placing God first
Praying intensely
Receiving the provision of God
Keeping her promises
And by Praising and Worshipping God
To recap just a bit
We talked a lot about the fact that as Believers we are not immune to problems in this life
We will face problems
We ---as I said last week
As believers have not one but 2 aces in the hole
The written word to show us how to handle our problems- giveus instructions
And the Holy Spirit living inside of us
To tell us how to handle our problems
Comfort us and guide us through the valleys
Last week we saw how Hannah suffered from
Low self esteem
Social embarrassment
Emotional depression
And persecution from her own family
Because she had no children
This meant in that culture that she was not fulfilling her purpose
Real problems, not unlike the problems we often face
And Hannah was a great model to follow on how
Today we are going to look at how “not to overcome problems”
But how to actually create and increase problems
Our series and the book of 1 Samuel take us to a man named Eli today
He is a prophet
He is a priest; actually he is the high priest
And He is Israel’s’ Judge
On top of that he is a father
And he has some series problems
Let’s read
1 Samuel 1:3 and 2: 12
To introduce this man and his problems
1 Samuel 1:3
“3 Each year Elkanah would travel to Shiloh to worship and sacrifice to the LORD of Heaven’s Armies at the Tabernacle. The priests of the LORD at that time were the two sons of Eli—Hophni and Phinehas.”
1 Samuel 2:12
“12 Now the sons of Eli were scoundrels who had no respect for the LORD “
The NASB states it a bit harsher
“12 Now the sons of Eli were [a]worthless men; they did not know the Lord”
Eli was called by God to serve as a priest
He was from the line of Aaron
Which means he was a Levite?
Set aside for the priesthood from birth
He was elevated to the role of high priest
Which says that at some time in his life?
He like Hannah must have placed God first
He was also made Judge of all of Israel
A position that is appointed by God himself
Which also looks good on this man’s resume?
Then on top of that he is called to be Father to at least 2 sons
Hophni and Phinehas
No mention is made of other children
No mention is made of a wife
This in no way means they are not in the picture
It simply means they are not of importance for the story
Here in God’s word
Eli suffers from a problem that many of us suffer from
Kid problems
His kids have gone wild
Gone Bad on me
As John Wayne said in the cowboys of his sons
“Or “As the Duke said
“I went bad on them”
I think both apply in this message
Of the many thousands and even millions of problems that we can suffer in this life
One of the hardest is kid problems
Even when we have done everything to raise our kid’s right
If we are honest few of us have done everything right
It does not go right
Sometimes they make choices that tear down everything they have been taught
And we end up beating ourselves up for years
We often take the blame
And even make excuses
I need you to know first that
Everyone has to make their own choices
And their own decisions
Deuteronomy 24:16
“Parents must not be put to death for the sins of their children, nor children for the sins of their parents. Those deserving to die must be put to death for their own crimes.
Remember from Romans 6:23
23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.
In real simple terms this means each person is responsible for making a choice about their own salvation
The wages of their sin is death- eternal separation from God
They can accept or reject the free gift of salvation
They have free will
I like to say
Momma or the preacher can’t save you
Only Jesus can
You must make a decision
The fact that Eli’s sons went bad is not entirely his fault – they mad choices