Hebrews- Part 8- " Now What ?" Series
Contributed by Randy Edwards on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Part 8 - How we can be an encouragement to our brothers and sisters
Encouragement for a life of faith
Part 8
“Now What?”
Hebrews 10:19-25
How many people here like to be honked at?
For me that just really gets my blood boiling
To be sitting at a red light
And have someone blow their horn at me as soon as the light even thinks about turning green
It irritates me to no end
Actually it makes me want to break at least 2 of the original Ten Commandments
Honking can be rude and can be misused
On the other hand
I love it when someone passes by my house and sees me on the porch and gives a little beep on their horn
This type of honking is encouraging
It makes me know that I am acknowledged even loved
When I think of this type of encouragement
I can’t help but think of the huge flocks of Canada Geese that will begin making their way south in the next couple of months
Seeing those v’s of geese and hearing them honking at each other is a sign of the coming of fall, shorter days and cooler weather for me
I never until now spent a lot of time contemplating why the geese honk
In my older days
If asked this question
I would have just said something smart
Their geese
That’ what they do
But now I understand better about why they honk
The lead goose is breaking the wind current for the rest of the geese
He is setting the course
And he is setting the speed at which they fly
And being the leader is hard work
He gets tired
He gets discouraged in a goosey kind of way
And the ones in the back
To encourage him
Their honks are a sign of love- once again in a goosey kind of way
They are saying
Keep going
You’re doing great
We are with you
And he is encouraged to continue
The geese in the back are also encouraged
The ones in the back hear
Come on
You’re doing great
The ones in the middle encourage both those in front and those behind
The ones near the front are also being encouraged to fly up and take the lead when the one in front gets tired
Constant encouragement from their peers is what makes the huge flocks of geese make the long trip south every winter
We as Christians need encouragement as well
So in our study of Hebrews today we are going to see what the writer has to say about our part in encouragement
Before we dig in let me recap just a moment from last week
Last week we took a hard look at Jesus as our high priest
We saw how he and he alone has the perfection needed to be able to serve in that position
And how as our High Priest
His perfection makes us – not perfect
But perfectly forgiven through his perfect sacrifice
We have heard though this series some strong admonishments for better Christian living
We have been stepped on
And stomped on
And we have also been encouraged
And we may want to ask “Now What”
All of this mashing is in an effort to get us doing what God has called us to do
And that is
That we are
To Show the love of Jesus
Let our light shine as the kids song says
Please open your bibles to Hebrews 10
If you are perceptive and have been following along with this series
You will notice I jumped forward about 3 chapters in this study
The material I skipped is important and is further study on Jesus’ role as our High Priest
I strongly encourage you to read and study this for yourselves
Come to our Sunday Morning Round Pen Bible studies where we dig deeper
Hebrews 10 Beginning in verse 19-22
And so, dear brothers and sisters,[a] we can boldly enter heaven’s Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus. 20 By his death,[b] Jesus opened a new and life-giving way through the curtain into the Most Holy Place. 21 And since we have a great High Priest who rules over God’s house, 22 let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water.
We can boldly enter heavens Most Holy Place
In common terms
We have direct access to God
We don’t need to make an appointment
No need to stand in line
Jesus gave us this direct access through his own sacrifice
But our writer goes on to say
That we need to fully trust God
With sincere hearts in order to fully reap the rewards of having this unlimited access