Be Encouraged; Live For God Series
Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: John concludes his first letter with wisdom and affirmation that each of us can use today. We must keep ourselves from the things that are ungodly (idols), yet live purposefully showing Christ to all we encounter.
Be encouraged; Live for God
1 John Bible Study, Part 13
1 John 5:13-21
- If you accept God’s testimony and believe on it for yourself (v9)
-- You have internal assurance of what God has done and consider it true
-- You cannot believe something without knowing and accepting it as fact
-- Therefore, your belief gives you comfort and assurance of God’s word (v10)
- APP: If you reject what someone is telling you, you would say they lied
-- Therefore, if you reject God’s testimony; you are calling God a liar (v10)
-- John is straight to the point in this … and we must be as well
- The testimony of God is simple:
• God has given us eternal life
• This life is in his Son.
- Whoever has the Son has life;
- Whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.
- John does a great job at re-affirming for us some basic covenants of the faith
-- It is what we finish with tonight, and finishes this letter with … two great points
- Read 1 John 5:13-21 / Pray
∆ Point 1 – Believers have eternal life
- John’s writes this letter for the same reason that he wrote his Gospel
-- So that those who read it, and believe, may know what He knows
-- APP: That if we believe on Christ, we shall eternal life with Him
- Re: the Gospel was written for one purpose: to evangelize
-- To show lost people how to not be and how to have eternal life with Christ
-- The Gospel reveals who the Messiah is, and what we need to do to know Him
- This epistle is to encourage them that they may know they have eternal life
-- It is the “part 2” of John … it’s the “what’s next?” being addressed for us
- In v14 we are reminded (ref Ch. 3) that prayer allows us to come before God
-- Our confidence in prayer is because we are confident in Who our faith is in
-- Re: Prayer has always been, and will always be, God’s thing …
- Warning: Praying for people is a gift, a pleasure, a good thing to do
-- But we cannot treat it flippantly or think that we can misuse it
-- Ex: Someone asks for prayer, you say you will, and then do not
-- In saying you will, what God hears is: “My child will spend time with me”
-- When we don’t, we break the appointment with God (and we lie about praying)
- Therefore, when we come boldly to God in prayer; it’s because we know Him
-- We know that He will provide wisdom and answer; so we go to His will
- When we ask in prayer, we ask in God’s will, and not our own
-- Natural question that gets asked: How do we know the will of God?
• Sometimes scripture makes it really clear for us (ex: don’t sin)
• Sometimes spiritual maturity and discernment guide our prayers
• It requires asking ourselves what would God do in this area
• The will of God will ALWAYS line up and honor scripture
- IMP: Prayer must not be viewed as an attempt to get God to get on our boat
-- This is why v15 is so driving: “we know that we have what we asked of him”
-- We are given what we’ve asked for, as long as it lines up with His will for us
- Most don’t like this – most will argue that God’s “wait” really means “no”
-- But … consider this: looking back on your life, all the prayers you’ve said:
-- Are there unanswered prayers that you are grateful for? Why?
-- Because it is not what you really needed; and He knew it better than you!
- God’s will for us is not our greed or our success … but our wanting of Him
-- It is what should drive us to want more of Him (ref John 3:30)
-- APP: It’s why we can boldly come to Him … b/c He knows
- TRANS: Therefore, if He knows us, then He ought to direct how we should live
∆ Point 2 – God’s Children do not continue to Sin
1) We should pray for a brother who commits sin that does not lead to death;
2) But, not pray for a brother who commits sin that does lead to death?
- Anyone else confused here?
- Let’s see if we can’t unpack this together …
- First question is: What sin will lead to death?
-- There are several possibilities given by scholars and wise-men alike
1) A particularly bad sin that God will not pardon