Assurance Of The Second Coming Of Christ Series
Contributed by Jerry Smith on Oct 16, 2020 (message contributor)
Summary: I think all of us know the old joke – nothing is sure except death and taxes. In tonight’s lesson let me add a third certainty – the coming of the Lord!
I think all of us know the old joke – nothing is sure except death and taxes. In tonight’s lesson let me add a third certainty – the coming of the Lord! We are in Jude 1:14-16. Jude gives us four certainties about the coming of the Lord.
1. The Lord will come
Jude quotes from the book of Enoch. This is not inspired, Holy Scripture and Jude’s quotation does not endorse the book, but historians believe the Jewish believers Jude is writing too knew this book. One thing in the book of Enoch that was true is this quote about God’s judgment is coming.
Why would Jude quote this book? Scholars believe it is because it gives one more illustration of God’s judgment on false teachers. After all the illustrations in the last couple of verses, you and I probably feel Jude didn’t need another illustration, but he did.
Who is Enoch? Jude identifies him as the 7th from Adam. This would align him up with Genesis 5:18. Just for clarity, there is another Enoch and he is taught about in Genesis 4:17 the son of Cain. This Enoch is known for walking with God – Genesis 5:24. Enoch is in a vary rare minority of people who was Raptured by God and did not taste death. Elijah is the other man.
Enoch’s message declares it is prophesy from the Lord. Jude agrees with his prophesy “the Lord is coming!” It is our first certainty from these verses.
2. The Lord will not come alone – with His holy ones
Enoch’s prophesy says not only is the Lord coming to earth, but He is not coming alone. Enoch says the Lord is coming with KJV says “saints”. All other translations use “holy ones”. Scholars don’t believe this is the coming of the Lord with His saints that will be the Second Coming. This coming will be to bring judgment and these holy ones are the angels of God.
2 Thessalonians 1:7 READ
3. The purpose of the Lord’s coming – judgment
The third certainty about the Lord’s coming is His purpose of the Lord’s coming – it is to bring judgment. Verse 15 most translations express this judgment as to “execute judgment”. The promise of judgment is a warning to unbelievers to change their ways and repent and believe in Jesus. It is also a warning to believers to be busy about evangelism and ministry.
What are some of the things that will happen on God’s judgment day?
(1.) Matthew 25 separation of the sheep and goats
(2.) Revelation 20:11 Great White Throne judgment seat
4. The reason for the Lord’s judgment
Jude gives us 3 reasons for God’s judgment on the false teachers:
(1.) ungodly acts or deeds – Jude as embellished on that in some of the preceding verses
(2.) hard, harsh, insulting or defiant words
(3.) Verse 16 grumblers and fault finders
The KJV calls them “murmurers” and “complainers”. You may remember when the children of Israel were traveling to the Promised Land, they murmurered against Moses and Aaron, which was really against the Lord Himself. When people begin murmurering against a leader, the criticism grows as it passes from one person to another. They begin to nit pick every decision and action. God judged Israel severely for what they did against Moses and Aaron and He will against these false teachers and modern murmurers in the church too.
Another phrase of interest is the KJV “great swelling words to impress people” or NIV “they boast about themselves”. Normally, someone boasting and bragging turns people off, but I believe this took the form of vocabulary and oratory style that impressed people.
The second half of verse 16 describes how these false teachers are able to deceive many people – they flatter them. They brag on them, make them feel good to motivate them to do what they want. These false teachers are slick, smart and tricky. Jude says they do all of this for their own advantage or gain. What do they gain by deceiving people? Control, power and financial gain.
Spiritual application:
1. Prepare your heart and soul and those you care about for God’s judgment day.
2. What out for false teachers! They are slick and smooth in their presentation to deceive and make you think they agree with what you believe, but in reality, they don’t. For example, the Mormon Church also calls themselves Ladder Day Saints of Jesus Christ, but their focus is not on Jesus as we are. It is a religion of works.