
Summary: Kindness and compassion are essential for living out our faith in today’s divided world. We are called to reflect God’s heart through our actions and words, promoting healing where division exists. By choosing kindness, we demonstrate the love of Christ to a world desperately in need of hope.

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### **Introduction**

Video Ill.: Kindness and Service — Church Fuel

Video Transcript: “We need to be kind. We need to be a light. An act of kindness can have great impact. Kindness allows others to feel God’s grace through us. Let’s treat others as we would want to be treated. Be loving. Be compassionate. Be kind.”

Be kind. Be compassionate.


These are two concepts that have really escaped our world, even more so in the current political environment. Instead of talking about the issues, the political candidates attack each other’s personalities, calling each other names, like a bunch of schoolyard brats, fueling division and fostering a culture of hostility rather than meaningful dialogue.


Take a glance at any social media, and you’ll see what I’ve noticed: the vitriol overflows from the campaigns to posts and comments between friends, classmates, neighbors and family members. I’ve even seen posts that are generally un-political turn into political bashing as the comment feed gets longer and longer.


We have lost sight of decency and kindness.


We have lost our compassion.


This morning, we are continuing our series entitled Faith beyond the Ballot Box. In a world full of political division and uncertainty, one thing remains constant—our faith in Christ.


We began our study, remembering that no matter what happens on November 5, no matter the results of the election, even in times of political tension and division, we can rest assured that God's kingdom is eternal and unshakable. Jesus is Lord over all earthly powers, and our true citizenship lies in His kingdom—a kingdom not defined by political leaders but by humility, servanthood, and ultimate allegiance to God.


We saw a couple of weeks ago how our unity is not based on cultural, social, or political similarities, but rather on our shared identity in Jesus—sinners saved by an amazing grace. As believers, we are called to elevate Jesus above our differences and work together as one body, reflecting God's love and bringing hope to a divided world.

Last week, we saw that in a world where pride often drives division—especially during the election season—humility is the key to fostering unity and healing. With Jesus as our example, we saw how humility dismantles pride and invites healing, not only in our relationships but in our nation as well.

Today, in times of political division and tension, it’s easy to become hardened toward those with different views. But as followers of Christ, we are called to a higher standard—kindness and compassion. This morning, we’ll explore the power of kindness and compassion in healing divisions and bringing the light of Christ to a world in need.


**Main Idea**: In a polarized world, kindness and compassion are not just virtues—they are essential to living out our faith beyond the ballot box. And a key part of this is how we use our words.

### **I. Kindness Reflects the Heart of God**

Deputy Literally Goes the Extra Mile to Serve Citizen in Wheelchair

Source: Caitlin O’Kane, “Deputy pushes stranded woman’s wheelchair one mile to her home” MSN News (10-05-18)

Copied from Preaching Today

Two sheriff’s deputies thought they were responding to a routine call, but when they arrived, the situation required more than what they’d initially thought.


The call mentioned a traffic hazard in the middle of the road, in the form of a wheelchair. When the deputies arrived on the scene, they did indeed find a wheelchair—and an elderly woman inside of it. The battery in her electric wheelchair was dead, leaving her without power to even finish crossing the road.


They initially offered her a ride, but the wheelchair was too heavy to fit inside their patrol cruiser, and its battery pack meant that folding it up was a non-starter. The only thing left to do was to offer to push her chair the mile long journey home. Which is exactly what Deputy Montanez did, while his partner Deputy Chapman followed closely behind.


In the dashcam footage of the event, Chapman is heard teasing his partner. “You can pick it up, you’re only going like one mile an hour.”


Kindness was extended in assisting a helpless elderly lady make it home.

Kindness. If we cannot extend kindness and compassion to others, we are incapable of expressing God’s heart for our neighbors, friends, family, and coworkers.


Paul instructed the church to choose compassion and kindness, as this is the way of God.


In Colossians 3, Paul said:

12 Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13 Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14 And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them together in perfect unity. (Colossians 3, NIV1984)

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