Sermon Series
  • 1. The Kingdom Will Still Be The Kingdom

    Contributed on Sep 29, 2024

    Even in times of political tension, we can rest assured that God's kingdom is eternal and unshakable. Jesus is Lord over all earthly powers, and our true citizenship lies in His kingdom—a kingdom not defined by political leaders but by humility, servanthood, and ultimate allegiance to God.

    #### **Introduction** Video Ill.: Kingdom Minded — The Skit Guys If there is any one thing that brings drama and division to our world, it is politics. It feels like unprecedented times — such division and discord over political views and opinions today. There is so much tension in our more

  • 2. United In Christ

    Contributed on Oct 7, 2024

    Unity is not based on cultural, social, or political similarities but rather on our shared identity in Jesus—sinners saved by grace. We are called to elevate Jesus above our differences and work together as one body, reflecting God's love and bringing hope to a divided world.

    ### **Introduction** Video Ill.: May We Be One — Floodgate Productions David wrote in Psalm 133: 1 How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! 2 It is like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard, running down on Aaron’s beard, down upon the more

  • 3. Humble Hearts, Healing Nation

    Contributed on Oct 13, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Humility is the key to fostering unity and healing. Drawing from the example of Jesus in Philippians 2 and warnings about pride from Proverbs, humility dismantles pride and invites healing, not only in our relationships but in our nation as well.

    ### ** Introduction ** Video Ill.: Danger of Pride — Church Fuel Pride and politics are a dangerous combination. Pride and arrogance have devastating consequences in politics and in real life: isolation, separation, division. ### **Illustration: The Downfall of Richard more

  • 4. Words Of Kindness, Acts Of Compassion

    Contributed on Oct 20, 2024

    Kindness and compassion are essential for living out our faith in today’s divided world. We are called to reflect God’s heart through our actions and words, promoting healing where division exists. By choosing kindness, we demonstrate the love of Christ to a world desperately in need of hope.

    ### **Introduction** Video Ill.: Kindness and Service — Church Fuel Video Transcript: “We need to be kind. We need to be a light. An act of kindness can have great impact. Kindness allows others to feel God’s grace through us. Let’s treat others as we would want to be treated. Be loving. Be more

  • 5. Generosity That Transforms

    Contributed on Oct 27, 2024

    Our generosity mirrors God's heart and counters the self-interest prevalent in today's political climate. Generosity fosters gratitude, deepens trust in God, and heals social divides. Through acts of kindness impacting ourselves and our communities.

    ### ** Introduction ** Video Ill.: I Like College by I Like Giving In a time when political platforms focus on personal gain, Jesus calls us to live with a radically different mindset—one of charity and generosity that transforms both the giver and the receiver.   It was this generosity that more

  • 6. Pray, Trust, Vote, And Rest

    Contributed on Nov 4, 2024

    As Election Day nears, Christians should do 4 things: Pray for peace and guidance, Trust God’s sovereignty like Daniel, Vote thoughtfully with biblical values, and Rest in God’s control, knowing He holds the future.

    ### ** Introduction** Video Ill.: Pray and Trust — Freebridge Media (Transcript of video:   Sometimes it’s difficult to see God in America. The principles on which we were founded Are no longer the principles by which we live. We have slowly forgotten Where our freedom came from. We have more