
Summary: THE SPIRITUAL GIFTS (Part 2) 1 Corinthians 12:12-20


(Part 2)

1 Corinthians 12:12-20


A. The body is composed of many members (v. 12).

1. It is so with the body of Christ, the church.

2. Every Christian is baptized by the Holy Spirit into the body of Christ (v. 13).

B. Many of the most important members of our physical bodies are not seen or valued. It is the same with the church.

I. There Can Be Unity Even Though There Is Great Diversity in the Church

A. Jesus is not here in a physical body. He wants to work through us (v. 12).

1. A normal physical body should have unity.

2. The body of Christ should have unity.

B. The body functions because its parts do different things (vv. 14-17).

1. It would be a disaster if all members did the same thing (v. 17).

2. We are different and God wants to use us.

II. There Should be Right Relationships Among Christians in the Church.

A. We need each other (vv. 19-21).

B. We must respect each other (vv. 22-25).

C. We should encourage each other (v. 26).

III. There Is a Basis for Proper Unity and Relationships in the Church.

A. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is the basis (v. 13).

1. He puts us into the one body.

2. He gives gifts to the members.

B. Must apply Acts 2:38 and Galatians 3:26-27.

1. The “gift of the spirit” (Acts 2:38). Evidently the Holy Spirit Himself.

2. “In Christ” (Galatians 3:26-27). This is a word picture of people putting on a garment.


We have been united in one body by the work of the Holy Spirit as a result of receiving Jesus as our Savior. We are important to God, to the church, and to each other and God wants to use us.


I bought a cheap writing pen, the kind that used capsules filled with ink. I used all the capsules and went to a store to buy some. I saw the pens but not the capsules of ink. I went to a second store, but could not find the ink capsules although I knew what they looked like. I was about to leave the store when I noticed a bin of long yellow and blue boxes—the ink capsules! The first store had had them, too. I couldn’t find them because I had a preconceived idea that the boxes were another color.

We often come to the Bible this way and overlook great truths. This is often true with the subject of the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts.

If I hurt my thumb, my whole body responds and feels it. This happens because of the unity of my body. The Christian who can’t see or feel beyond what they are involved in has not even started to understand the unity of the congregation.

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