Real Peole , Real Problems A Study Of 1 Samuel Part 1, Hannah Series
Contributed by Randy Edwards on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Part one of a series looking at real problems for real believers
Real people- Real problems
1 Samuel 1:1-28, 2:1-2
Part 1 ----Hannah
In the world today it seems that there are two common thoughts on Christians and problems
Some want to claim that Christians no longer suffer from worldly problems
This is just not true- Jesus said I am hated and persecuted and so you will be
Others claim that all problems are due to sin or disobedience in a Christian’s life
Claiming that if you are not healthy, wealthy and happy
That you don’t have enough Faith
This makes it seem that if you are not getting what you want
It is because there is something wrong with you
This also is not true
The fact is
Every Christian faces real life problems.
Just because you accepted Jesus doesn't mean you will be immune to
Troubles in life.
Jesus says to paraphrase
“I came to give you life
And life more abundantly”
Life is all about hills and valleys
Highs and lows
So life more abundantly means the highs will be higher ---the mountains taller
But also that the lows will be lower – the valley’s deeper
I can tell you even though all people
Believers and non believers alike will face problems
Believers have an ace in the hole
You see-We have an instruction book on how to deal with problems and we have a counselor- the Holy Spirit in our hearts to guide us
And when we follow the instructions and listen to our Helper
Our reactions, responses and the outcome of the problems often change
Today is the first in a series from 1 Samuel titled “Real people – Real problems”
In today’s message we are going to study how Hannah overcame her real life problems.
And see how we in the process
Can apply the bible tour own worldly problems
And find real solutions
Please open your bibles to 1 Samuel
1 Samuel 1:1-2
There was a man named Elkanah who lived in Ramah in the region of Zuph[a] in the hill country of Ephraim. He was the son of Jeroham, son of Elihu, son of Tohu, son of Zuph, of Ephraim. 2 Elkanah had two wives, Hannah and Peninnah. Peninnah had children, but Hannah did not.
Today I want to talk about facing real life problems
Finding and using the faith it takes to overcome them.
1 Samuel introduces to us a woman named Hannah.
She is one of the great ladies of the bible.
The women will be studying her life in their study of 12 extraordinary women at the 9 o’clock Round pen bible study
And I can tell you
You will not find a book about biblical women that does not contain her story
What I need you to know is that she is a woman of faith
But also
She is a real woman
With a real life problems.
Her story gives us a chance to see how a person of faith can manage problems in life.
And an opportunity to learn how we can do the same
Let’s take a look at Hannah’s story.
In order to set the stage for this story
We need to back track just a bit
Turn to the very last verse of the Book of Judges and allow me to give you some background about the times in which Hannah lived.
The nation of Israel is in a tight spot
Judges 21:25
25 In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes.”
God’s people
The nation of Israel
Were being torn apart by a lack of leadership
They were failing in their faith in areas varying from immorality to idolatry
Everyone is just doing what they think is best or what feels good
Or makes them happy
Let’s think about this for just a moment
Because this applies to our society today just as strongly as it did in the time of the Judges
Where there is a an absence of Godly leadership
No moral standards to draw the lines of right and wrong
The end result is intolerance to any morality.
Evil will rise up
This was a real problem then
It is a real problem now
And every time we read those words in scripture – everyone did as they pleased
A wreck soon follows
In the book of Judges
Mostly because of the sin of idolatry God would remove his blessings from his children by raising up their enemies;
As we have studied -The nation of Israel was often oppressed by the surrounding nations.
Many times they were slaves to other nations
And then
The people would cry out to God during their problem
God would hear their cries
He would remember His covenant with them and have mercy.