Pentecost Sermon Kit


Summary: Repentance is the bridge to forgiveness, but how do I know if I've crossed it? What does it really mean to repent?

Did you know that there is a “most hated” word in the English language? Google it. I did. I typed in, “The most hated word in the world and do you know what came up?” The word “moist.” As a matter of fact, marketers steer away from the word because it is so hated.

No one evidently wants to hear about “moist” cakes, or “moist” anything. Linguists say it’s because of the diphthong “oi” and when these two vowels flow together with uninterrupted flow it has a less than savory sound which probably makes the second most hated word “ointment.”

I sort of laugh at that because I can think of a lot of words I dislike more than the word moist. Like “mucus”, “puss,” “curdled” and “snot.” Right? If you want to know more disgusting and unappealing words, just ask an adolescent boy; they know them all. ?

Yet, there is also a few most disliked names in the English language: Evidently, Gertrude tops the girl list and for guys; it’s Floyd. Sorry Gertrude and Floyd; I promise, we love you. Don’t change your name. We love you the way you are. ?


Yet, for Satan, I am his least favorite name is Jesus and his least favorite word is the word repentance. Yet, as believers, the name Jesus should be our favorite name and the word “repentance” should be one of our favorite words.

Yet, in Christianity, the word “repent” is often just the opposite. Maybe it’s because of people who hold signs that say “repent” in offensive ways or something else, but Jesus loved the word and said: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Mark 1:15

This morning, through the life of Joseph we see a call to repentance. At first glance it appears that this chapter is all about retaliation but in reality, it’s about repentance.

After all, it seems that in chapter 44, Joseph is messing with his brothers; he’s got the upper hand so he’s giving them back a little of the grief they put him through over the last 20 years (2 decades) of his life. Why would it not appear to be retaliation. Yet, let’s dig deeper is see what God is doing.

God is leading them to repentance and He does the same with us.

Transition: So let’s do a “word” study today through the life of Joseph. Let’s learn to love the word “repentance” as God seeks to teach Joe’s brothers about it through the actions of Joseph.

Transitional Sentence: What is real repentance?

I. It’s Recognition and Taking Responsibility For Our Sin

(The overview of Chapter 44)


Joseph’s brothers had spent 20 years hiding their sin. Let’s review what they had done:

a) Out of jealous they had sold their brother into slavery.

b) Out of fear they lied to their father and made him believe Joseph was dead.

c) Out of self-preservation they went on with their life; living out that lie.

Yet, God doesn’t ignore sin, people do. We do it all the time.

We attempt to ignore and rationalize sin in different ways. We might say:

a) It was no big deal.

b) It happened so long ago.

c) It was just a stage I was going through.

d) Everybody is doing it.

e) Who says this is sin anyway.

The one thing we know about Joseph’s brothers is that they covered their sin. They not only refused to address it but they covered it over with a lie that they repeated for over 20 years.

The Bible tells us though: “ He who covers his sins will not prosper, But whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.” Proverbs 28:23

In chapter 44, God was at work, dealing with the sin they refused to address in their life. Up to this point they perpetuated a habitual 20 year lie that they told to their father when shortly after they sold Joseph into slavery.

Yet, God would not allow them to continue in their sin. It was time to face up and to confess up to what they had done. It was time to address the on-going sin in their life.

You might wonder why God insists on addressing this. Why won’t he let it go? Why does he insist on our sins being addressed? Write this: Because sin separates and contaminates.

1. Practically, it was separating the brothers from Joseph and contaminating their relationship.

2. Spiritually, it was separating them from God and contaminates our relationship with Him.

Repentance is a necessary ingredient for healthy relationships.

If you read through the Bible the word “repent” is brought up over and over again. It is the key word in Jesus preaching. It is the key word in the preaching of the prophets. It is repeated over and over.

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