Matthew 2024 Series
Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jan 30, 2024 (message contributor)
Summary: Matthew is a converted tax collector and obsessed with details about Jesus and gives details about Jesus’ teaching, he especially focuses on the subject “The Kingdom of Heaven.”
Video transition: The Chosen and the calling of Matthew!
Series: Never Seen Before in 2024!
Thesis: To see something we have never seen before in 2024 requires us to do something we have never done before! So, what is the “One Thing” you need to do that you have never done before to see your miracle – your breakthrough – a divine revelation or your desire from God come to pass?
The challenge: We are challenging you to Read through the Bible this year – attend church regularly – do a Bible Survey class so you see something you have never seen before!
Scripture Verse: 2 Timothy 3:16-17: 16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
The prayer to God before each message: (Have them hold up their Bibles and say this as a prayer to God to help them see something they have never seen before in 2024!)
“Lord, we know your Word is alive and active. We know it is sharper than any two-edged sword. Lord, we know it exposes our thoughts and our attitudes. Lord give us wisdom from your Word today and open up our eyes to see a new Revelation of you today! Amen!
Introduction to series:
The Story of God as revealed in the Bible points to Jesus as the main character of His story (or as some say of history). Jesus is the main hero (The Savior) of the Bible! Since Jesus is the central figure of the Bible, we need to observe his life and learn from His teachings – these reveal how we should be living and even leading!
If we ever hope to properly handle and share the stories in the Bible, we must first grasp the main story of the Bible. Jesus is the central figure of the Bible both OT and NT!
T.S. – So let us be clear! The Bible is not just about the Jesus in the New Testament – WHY? Because He is seen and revealed all the way back to the Beginning of Creation found in Genesis and throughout the books of the Bible.
See handout!
Don’t forget my opening Scripture Text for this series was Psalm 119: “Every verse in Psalm 119 refers to God’s Word- using names like Law-statutues-ways-precepts-decrees-commands-word-promise (etc.).
Let’s look at Beth (Psalm 119:9-15): 9How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word.10I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.11I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.12Praise be to you, O LORD; teach me your decrees.13With my lips I recount all the laws that come from your mouth.14I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches.15I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways.16I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word.
Sermon: Matthew 2024
Thesis: Matthew is a converted tax collector and obsessed with details about Jesus and gives details about Jesus’ teaching, he especially focuses on the subject “The Kingdom of Heaven.” He wants his Jewish readers to know that Jesus is the Messiah (The promised King) and he highlights 99 Old Testament passages to prove Jesus is the King of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Introduction to Matthew:
What is the most common – most frequent subject Jesus taught and spoke about – I had asked you this question a couple years ago – curious if anyone knows the answer?
We are going to look at Jesus’ number 1 subject or number 1 topic that He preached and taught on today. Matthew highlighted this subject, and His Gospel has the most in the Gospel accounts.
Some may think Jesus spoken the most on:
• Money?
• Salvation and grace?
• Hell?
• Love?
• Healing?
• Miracles?
• No, it was the Kingdom of God or Heaven?
We don’t hear a lot about this subject from most seminaries, bible colleges, churches or even preachers today. But we need to know about the teachings of Jesus’ and His favorite subject “The Kingdom of Heaven (God).”
Let us look at a key Scripture – A teaching of Jesus found in Luke 12:32: 32 “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.”
Jesus gave us the Kingdom of God! Listen to what Jesus said here - We cannot earn It or work for It - It’s a gift given to us by Jesus rooted in Mercy and Grace.
Why do you think Jesus’ focused on the Kingdom of Heaven (God) so much in His teachings?
• Answer: To correct the Jews misunderstanding of the Kingdom of Heaven (God).