
Summary: The foundation of God's word says that He must be first. This broken world is far from God.

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Living in a broken world

Good Morning everyone, so glad that your here and online this morning.

We are in the fourth week of our series on “Relationships”.

We will wrap it up today and then work toward preparing ourselves for lent and the Easter season.

In our series, we have looked at three major areas of relationships.

The foundation of all relationships has to be based with us having a proper relationship with the Lord.

If our relationship with Him is wrong, it will affect how we interact with others.

We looked at shaping our families and what it takes to raise our kids on the principals of the Lord.


Being consistent so our kids know what to expect from us and towards us.

Not trying to live our lives through our kids

Good listener instead of just talking.

Most important that we shape our kids by admitting when we blow it and ask for forgiveness so that all can move forward.

Last week we looked at Marriage, Divorce, and remarriage.

We saw that in a perfect world before the fall of man that we didn’t have need of divorce papers because there was no sin.

No prenuptials, no mine, theirs and ours.

Scripture tells us that Moses gave them a certificate of divorce because of their “hardening of heart.”

Society today has made it possible that almost anything is “acceptable” grounds to leave a marriage or a family.

I got some feedback on my stance of sipping saints and social drinking. Statistics don’t lie …alcohol destroys marriages and does not enhance or bless a marriage.

I go back to a statement I made the first week of the series- If you have a problem with something I said we can talk about it, if it is something the Lord said, than you have to take it up with Him.

Today I have titled the message “living in a broken world” Believers looking at the challenges of raising a godly family today and making sure our relationships line up with God’s word.

Most everyone has skeletons in their families and in their lives.

How do we navigate through the journey we call life and do it as a child of God and bring honor and glory onto the Lord?

John 16:33

“I have told you these things, so that in me, you will have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Numbers 6:24-26

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.”

This world is broken but you can as a child of God have peace and assurance that even in chaos the Lord is working in your life.

Life on this earth is many things, but “easy” isn’t one of them.

We’ve got to admit that life sometimes gets deep with trials and sorrow. These things have plaque us since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden.

I don’t think I’m giving you any rocket science here; life is hard. It continues to break each of us in different ways the longer we live.

One writer says

An empty crib in a nursery that’s used for storage instead of dreams.

An elderly man sitting alone at a coffee shop.

A middle-aged single woman, who never planned to end up alone.

A grandmother’s silent phone.

A high school senior, scanning the crowds at his football game for a father he knows he won’t find.

This broken world is all we got- right now!

Broken world shares a lot of the same pain as believers-

Broken world is a tough place for believers-

Broken world is a great place to do ministry for the kingdom


Do any of you collect antiques?

You have found value in old things that most would not want.

You have taken the time to search to see the value of these items.

You are willing to go to yard sales and basements and estate sales looking for things that have value but you don’t want everyone else to know that it has value so that you get a real good deal.

You would not spot a gem and go tell the owner what they have and then want to buy it.

You pretend to be semi interested and want that person to feel like they got you to buy instead of eagerly showing your hand and wanting to buy at a higher cost.

Even broken things have value to you- you get where I am going.

You know how to fix it, you know someone that can fix it, or you hire someone to fix it because you know it will add value if the item is fixed by someone back to what it was originally and back to doing what it was intended to do or be.

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