
Summary: God loves multi-generational churches and He proves it in the Book of Titus as He specifically addresses the blessing and influence of the young and old. How can godly older people help my faith grow strong?

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One of my favorite country songs is a song written by Toby Keith. It was featured in the movie “The Mule.” The title is: “Don’t Let the Old Man In.” (Any of you ever heard the song?)

The song was inspired by a conversation that Toby had with Clint Eastwood. Toby met Clint at a celebrity golf tournament and was struck by Eastwood’s energy despite being in his late 80’s. In response he asked Clint: “How do you keep doing what you are doing? What gives you endless productivity at your advanced age?”

Eastwood responded saying: “I get up every morning and go out and I don’t let the old man in.”

Keith loved that line, and that phrase inspired him to write the song about a man who stays active and productive even as he ages and doesn’t let the idea of old age make him inactive and take over.”

Speaking of old age one on of my favorite lyrics in the song goes like this: “When he rides up on his horse and you feel the cold bitter wind, look out your window and smile, don’t let the old man in.”

The song become one of the final songs Toby wrote as he died from stomach cancer and Clint is still not letting the old man in today at the ripe old age of 94.


When it comes to your life and physical body, I agree with Toby and Clint, “Don’t let the old man in.” But when it comes to your spiritual life, and the church; the body of Christ, Paul tells us to do the opposite: “Let the old man in.” He tells us to not neglect the value of the godly old man and the godly old lady who God has put in your life.

In the New Testament epistles, the Apostle Paul often speaks to particular groups of people. Sometimes he speaks to women, sometimes to women, sometimes to husbands, wives, even to children.

In doing so, He places high value on every person of every age to connect His people like body parts to provide a vehicle for our souls live life.

In this pas sage he speaks of the value of “older men” and “older ladies.” To Timothy Paul said: “Don’t let anyone despise your youth.” Yet, in this passage he speaks to older men and woman and seems to say: “Don’t let anyone despise your old age.”

The idea is that older men and women who have walked with Jesus for a long time have and rich and valuable role of influence in our lives. As a matter of fact, he almost advocates that they are one of the riches resources in the church because they’ve had some time to build a stealthy strong faith and trust in God.

In this passage, let’s ask ourselves a question: “How can godly older people help my faith grow strong?”

I. They Spotlight the Value Of Consistently Trusting God

vs. 1-3- “But as for you, speak the things which are fitting for sound doctrine. Older men are to be temperate, dignified, sensible, sound in faith, in love, in perseverance. Old women likewise are to be reverent in this behavior, not malicious gossips, not enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good.”


As Paul begins speaking about the influence of older men and women he begins where we should begin when it comes the building a foundation for the way we think. He begins with God and what God has to say about life.

In verse 1 we read: “But as for you, speak the things which are fitting for sound doctrine.” Don’t miss the fact that this verse is in present imperative which basically means: “Keep on speaking..., sound doctrine.” Here we see the theme of consistency begins.

Therefore, this passage tells us to identify the godly men and women who do not waver when it comes to the Bible and what God says. We need consistent people who not only say but show us how consistently trusting in God impacts our lives.

The term “sound doctrine” is an interesting word. We get our word “hygiene” (hugaino) from this word. In our world, people are consistently caring for their physical health. How many of you took a shower this morning? (We all thank you. ?)

If you don’t practice good hygiene things that are hanging out in the world creep into your body and make you sick, right? Germs, diseases, and other things that make you experience a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.”

A growing faith crowds out fear in our life.

In verse 2 we see that men who have grown in their faith have several characteristics that reveal the value of trusting God for a long time. They are:

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