
Summary: We live in a world that constantly craves more. The truth is, peace and satisfaction can’t be found in worldly pursuits, but Psalm 23 reminds us that the Lord is our Shepherd, and in Him, we find the rest, peace, and satisfaction our souls long for.

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Beside Still Waters

Psalm 23:2b


Illust: Article – “Baby Boomers – Then and Now

Then: Getting out to a new, hip joint.

Now: Getting a new hip joint.

Then: Acid Rock

Now: Acid Reflux

Then: Being called into the principle’s office.

Now: Storming into the principle’s office.

Then: Long Hair

Now: Longing for Hair

Then: Passing the driving test.

Now: Passing the vision test.

Then: Trying to look like Marlon Brando or Elizabeth Taylor

Now: Trying not to look like Marlon Brando or Elizabeth Taylor

Then: Worrying about no one coming to your party.

Now: Worrying about no one coming to your funeral.

We live in a world that is anything but satisfied. In our consumer driven society… people are on a fervent yet elusive quest for that which will make them happy… we are a generation always after something bigger, faster, thinner and nicer.

Generation = dubbed with an “unhappiness epidemic.”

Quote: Dennis Wholey, author of “Are You Happy,” reported that from his studies he found that perhaps only 20% of Americans would call themselves happy.

Times I speak to people in public and ask them how they are. Often, I get the reply – “living the dream.” Yet if I sat down and talked them… their dream is a façade, a mirage… some elusive fantasy they are searching for… inwardly broken, empty, and unsatisfied. Anything but happy.

Dr. Michael Smith said, “Western men are richer, healthier, and better educated than ever before. And yet-as we nibble our ‘happy meals’ or sup our ‘happy hour’ drinks – happiness itself seems hard to find.”

Quote: Article in Christianity Today by David G. Meyers entitle, “Wanting More in an Age of Plenty,” wrote, “Our wallets are fat, but our souls are empty.” He went on to write, “The Paradox of our time in history is that we spend more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy it less.”

The pursuit of peace, satisfaction and happiness apart from God is a futile endeavor. Someone described it like chasing a greased pig. The moment we think we have it in our hands, it slips away!

Lord Jesus = described it terms of a sheep having no shepherd!

Glad we have a Shepherd who knows that we have need of these things… He is the answer to our needs. Source of our peace, satisfaction, happiness.

Psalm 23 = described as a Psalm for Today!

Psalm. 23:1 – “The LORD is my Shepherd…”

“He and Me” = speaks of the faithful leading and tender care of my Shepherd. He knows my needs and promised to care for them.

o Green Pastures = restful life.

o Still Waters = a peaceful, satisfied, happy life.

When we think of this verse our minds are filled with images of vast, lush, green meadows with a slow, moving, meandering stream or brook. That wasn’t what was in David’s mind when penned these precious words.

David shepherded his sheep in the Judean wilderness… arid, dry, rocky, barren land… grass and water was scarce. But the good shepherds knew where and how to abundantly provide food and water sources for their sheep.

Sheep = are terribly afraid from any type of running water. Think about it… they have spindly little legs that give them little or no capability for swimming and they are covered from nose to rump in a wool overcoat that would absorb water like sponge… easily drown.

Yet in order for sheep to lay down they must be properly hydrated… Sheep are made up of 70% water… every cell of sheep’s body has to have water… proper hydration is necessary for digestion, metabolism, and health of sheep.

Picture: Shepherd leading his sheep beside or up to still quiet pools of water at other times they led to wells where the shepherd draws the water and pours it into a cistern for the sheep to drink. In each case water provided for them by their shepherd.

Water is vital to the physical life of a sheep. And what is true of a sheep spiritually is true of each of us spiritually. Our souls are thirsty and in need of the spiritual water only our Shepherd can provide!

Our Great Shepherds leads us beside the still waters of…


Isaiah 12:3 – “Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.”

John 4 – Lord Jesus met a thirsty woman of Samaria in the middle of the day at the well of Sychar. She was broken, empty, searching… gone from man to man to man… seeking that which would satisfy the inner thirst of her soul.

As she came up to the well to draw water…

v.7 – “Jesus said unto her, Give me to drink.”

v.9 – how is that thou being a Jew askest drink of me, a woman of Samaria. Do you not know who and what I am. Jews don’t have any dealings with the Samaritans (outcast people)… if you know who I was you wouldn’t have anything to do with me.

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