
Summary: We need a real Savior! We need someone who can fix people! We need someone who can change hearts! We need someone who can give hope and encouragement that there is a better way to live and there is power to help us live that way. Jesus is the only plan th

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The Best Plan to Save Man

Romans 10:13 - 21

Intro: During this election year we have heard and will hear a lot of flowery words on how this person or that person has come up with an amazing plan to save our economy, to secure our borders, to fix our healthcare system, to reduce poverty and unemployment, to improve our education and so on. And the hot air has only just begun! Don’t get me wrong! I think there are some good ideas out there, but many of them are just a different variety or rearrangement of the same old ingredients. I won’t get all political on you this morning, but I do want to say this: Don’t look for a political savior who will waltz in and sweep this big mess away. Our country is a mess because people are a mess! And no amount of legislation is going to fix that!

-We need a real Savior! We need someone who can fix people! We need someone who can change hearts! We need someone who can give hope and encouragement that there is a better way to live and there is power to help us live that way.

-God knew all along that we didn’t have what it would take to save ourselves. Sometimes we think we’ve come a long ways, but even though technology has exploded over the past few decades, humanity is no better off than before. We need someone much greater than ourselves to fix ourselves. That’s why God had a plan from before time began to reach down into our lives and help us connect our lives with Him. And this is only possible through His Son Jesus, whom the Bible calls the Lamb of God who was slain before the foundations of the world. So that is where we plan to focus our attention this morning – on God’s plan to save this world.

I. God has a Plan to Save People (13-15)

Romans 10:13-15 13 For "Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." 14 But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? 15 And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"

-Before we jump into the details of this amazing plan of God to save people, let’s talk about what that means and why people need to be saved.

[Show segment from Courageous] We are all guilty because the Just Judge will judge us based on the bad things we’ve done, not the good things. It is not a balancing act. The fact is, people need to call on the Lord to be saved from the consequences of our sin – namely, being separated from God in this life and forever after. That doesn’t have to happen! God had a plan to save people long before He created the first human! It does not surprise or shock Him that we need a Savior! He knew our frailties and weaknesses, which is why He asks us to trust Him. So let’s take a look at His plan to save people from vv13-15.

1. People need to call on the Lord

2. People need to believe the Good News

3. People need to hear the Good News

4. Someone needs to tell them the Good News

5. Someone needs to send the tellers

-Check out what’s behind the phrase “good news.” In the Greco-Roman culture it was a technical term for “news of victory.” The messenger would appear, raise his right hand in greeting and call out in a loud voice: “Rejoice…we are victorious.” By his appearance it is known already that he brings good news. His face shines, his spear is decked with laurel, his head is crowned, he swings a branch of palms, joy fills the city, the temples are garlanded, a race is held, and the messenger is honored with a wreath (Theological Dictionary of the New Testament). If a messenger of an earthly kingdom is this radiant with news of an earthly victory, how much more should we shine as bearers of the best news ever! (Adapted from Brian Bill,

-So, God has a plan to save people. But notice that He plans to use people as His tellers or messengers to speak His eternal word. God uses people like you and me to tell others that there is hope for forgiveness. There is hope for redemption. There is hope for deliverance. There is hope for healing! There is hope for freedom! There is good news that needs to be told!

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