
Summary: The longing of God’s heart is that he might have his children enter into sweet fellowship with him through the avenue of prayer.

The longing of God’s heart

Part 3

Indebted to Mark Virkler for this teaching- Communion with God


1. Prayer is foundational to the Christian life.

2. Prayer IS the battle.

Four keys to hearing God’s voice as found In Hab. 2:1-2

1. Quiet yourself down

Look for vision

Tune to flow

Journal out what you receive

2. What will happen if you use all four keys?

You will hear the voice of God every time you use all four keys.

3. Hab. 2:1-2 is where we find this

The greatest longing of God’s heart

1. If I were to ask you, what is the greatest longing of God’s heart,

what would you answer?

a. That he might gather his children around him in sweet fellowship with them

2. Some children spend a lifetime desiring to know their father to no avail.

The fathers remain uncommitted, distant, absorbed in their work and their own world or are not around

3. We have something better.

Our heavenly father desires above all else, to spend time with us

A glimpse of the father’s heart

1. From Genesis to Revelation, the story of a father’s heart.

a. The beautiful revelation of a father pursuing his children…

b. How else could we know… that our father so loved us….

c. Turn to Luke 15:11-24 and read account

1. The story of the prodigal son should be re-titled,

The story of a father’s never ending love. Luke 15

Thought the son was willing to stop being his son, the father was not willing to stop being his father.

The boy may had been out of the house, but he was never out of his father’s heart.

Prayer Exercise…

1. We write out our conversations with God because it helps to keep us focused

2. Lets take 5-10 minutes and have a prayer session with our heavenly father.

Write down a question you would like to ask him such as:

Lord, do you love me?

What would you like to say to me.

Or about a situation you are facing.

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