
Summary: as we truly worship, the Holy spirit will impact those present!

Can God’s Spirit really influence people? Our short passage today as we continue to study 1 Samuel relates to this topic of the influence of God’s Spirit. Please open your Bibles to 1 Samuel Chapter 19….

Before reading, let us remind ourselves of the main characters in the passage:

There was David: who was a hero for defeating Goliath and the Philistines but hated by King Saul.

Saul: was the King of Israel but was old and so jealous that he wanted David killed.

And there was Samuel: God’s spokesperson.

Read along with me now v18-24….

Let us summarize the story and learn from it:

v18: David fled from Saul and met with Samuel.

v19-20a: Saul sent men to kill David.

Now, what do you think was going on when there was a group of people prophesying, speaking about God, and Samuel was leading them??

v20b: Samuel was actually leading a worship service!

And what do we note at the end of v20?

v20c: The men called to kill David was impacted by the presence of the Holy Spirit brought by the worship of people! God’s Spirit melted hearts of hate to praise of God!

And what do we note in v21?

v21: Three times, Saul sent men of hate and God impacted them to have humble hearts of worship!

How powerful is God’s Spirit when people truly humble themselves before God? Not only did God changed hearts of many men ready to kill someone to hearts of worship,

v22-24: Through the worship of people, God’s Spirit changed the wicked heart of Saul to one who publicly spoke the truths about a Holy God!

The One and Only True God is powerful, loving, and amazing!

Can God’s Spirit impact wicked hearts today in Christian churches?

Turn briefly with me to 1 Corinthians 14…. v1-5… v22-25…

Can God’s Spirit impact wicked hearts today in Christian churches? – Absolutely!!

And so, when Christians gather (as in a church) and truly worship God in Spirit and in Truth (in other words, prophesying), unbelievers will be impacted by God’s Spirit to believe.

How are we doing? When we sing, when we read the Bible, when we pray, are we really worshiping God?

Will you take a moment to quietly think and pray right where you are about this; then we will worship with our Offerings then with dedications to God. Take a moment to quietly pray….

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