The Cloven Tongue Of Fire Series
Contributed by Richard Papafio on Apr 14, 2018 (message contributor)
Summary: The tongues of fire upon us connects to the tongue of flesh in our mouth to preach the Gospel very hot
May the peace of the Lord be with you.
Acts 2:1-4 King James Version (KJV)
2 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Beloved, the Holy Book says, when the Spirit of God has come upon them, there sat on their heads cloven tongues of fire.
Beloved the Greek word translated as cloven is "DIAMERIZÕ" which also means to *divide* and *distribute*. Beloved, divided tongues of fire sat upon each one of them signifying that each one of them possess various tongues now, various languages of the earth and of the heavenlies therefore there is no limitation of where they can enter to speak on earth and also in the heavens.
The cloven tongue of fire was also a symbol telling them they had to distribute Jesus, they had to distribute the Gospel everywhere and in doing this, they distribute Precious Holy Spirit as well, who is the power to work in every single soul who is to be saved or who is saved.
Beloved the symbol that came upon them told them "you possess the power to speak many languages of many tribes and nations so use that to distribute the Gospel of Jesus everywhere and anywhere I would lead you without fear".
Beloved these tongues upon them was of fire. Fire is a symbol that represents Precious Holy Spirit. Fire is hot and when it's moving, it consumes everything on its way and fire knows no stopping.
Fire produces great heat that anybody standing by would feel it. The intensity of the fire determines how far or near the heat is felt.
Beloved, how hot the fire we carry is determines the impact we make with the Gospel we have been called to preach and even the impact we make with our own lives.
The fire of God is upon us are we fanning Him to get bigger and hotter in our lives. The more we rise up and move pushing the Gospel, the more we fan the flame.
Beloved when this tongue of fire comes upon you, He connects to the tongue of flesh in your mouth. The tongue of fire transforms the tongue of flesh and the tongue of flesh operates as fire, preaching the Gospel which is very hot and potent, healing, delivering etc etc.
The tongue of fire sets captives free for He wars against other powers who are not as hot as He is, but comparatively, cold, and overcomes them.
The tongue of fire, heals the broken hearted. For He consumes the roots of the problem. The tongue of fire gives sight to the blind because the fire consumes the veil and or any covering blocking the vision of the lost and puts fire in their eyes so they see through the fire and they begin to see beyond human limits and they understand the Gospel and they are saved.
The tongue of fire sets the person in bondage free. The tongue of fire releases every bonded person from oppression and or slavery. The tongue of fire beaks the chains and wars against the guards who are as cold as ice and encamps the people He sets free so no other cold demon or whatever can take them back.
The tongue of fire preaches the acceptable year of the Lord. The tongue of fire declares the acceptable year of the Lord. The tongue of fire prepares you for the second coming of the Lord through the teaching of the Gospel.
The tongue of fire is carried by every Christian but not all Christians use Him and we leave Him to be dormant and more or less non existent in our lives, homes, churches, communities and schools etc.
When The tongue of fire you carry is in use, you declare and you see, you pray and you see, everything you speak produces results with speed.
Any Christian who uses the tongue of fire He carries is like a volcano, spitting and spilling lava everywhere with a lot of ash that flies and settles at near and far places. These people take the Gospel far off to places where their feet have not even touched through various means.