Teachable Moments Series
Contributed by Jeff Strite on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: It’s sometimes dangerous to forget things... and Deuteronomy 6 is telling us how important it is to teach our families to remember that God should be 1st in our lives. How do we do that?
OPEN: I once read the true story of woman who had been just learning to golf. She had been at it for about a month or so when her father-in-law invited her to go golfing with him.
After teeing off on one of the holes, her father-in-law was intent on finding the ball he had sliced into the rough. Meanwhile the woman, concentrating deeply on her shot, was unaware of his position. Her shot was a low, whistling ball that passed within inches of his head. He instinctively dropped to the ground.
Almost immediately the woman ran to him and blurted out, "I would have warned you, but I couldn’t remember the number to yell."
APPLY: What "number" was she supposed to yell???
Now, of course, we all know that’s not a number. We’re not sure why golfers yell that word (there’s about 3 different theories) but nonetheless... she didn’t.
Why not?
Why DIDN’T she yell FORE?
Well, she forgot.
She was a new golfer... and in the panic of the moment, and because she lacked experience, she froze. And frankly, she endangered her father-in-law (and she knew it) because she forgot.
Forgetting things CAN be dangerous.
If you forget to put oil in your car you can ruin the engine
If you forget to turn off the burner on the stove, you can burn down the house
If you forget your anniversary...
And here in Deuteronomy 6, God is telling us that if we want to have the kind of family that will make us proud; if we want a G-rated (God-rated) home... then you and I need to REMEMBER certain things, and we need to TEACH our families to remember those things.
I. What do we need to teach our families to remember?
ILLUS: A Sunday school teacher asked her group of children if any of them could quote the entire twenty-third psalm.
A little 4 year-old girl raised her hand. A bit skeptical, the teacher asked if she could really quote the entire psalm.
The little girl smiled and said she could. "The Lord is my shepherd, that’s all I want."
We live in an R-rated world that wants to take God out of the government, the schools and out of any part of the public arena. And so, it has become increasingly important that we realize our children NEED to hear that the Lord can their shepherd and that He can be all they’ll ever want or need in their lives.
God told Israel to teach their families that very concept. He told them to remember:
* That the Lord their God was One God (He wasn’t going to share with any other gods)
* That God had brought them out of slavery
* God had given them blessings they didn’t deserve (wells they hadn’t dug, houses they hadn’t built, fields they hadn’t planted, etc.)
* They were to love the Lord their God with all of their heart, soul, mind
* They were to obey all His commands, decrees and laws
* And above all else, they were never take Him lightly. God was a merciful God, and He loved them very much... but they were always to remember that their God was not a "safe" God... they didn’t want to mess with Him.
In other words... God was asking them to put Him 1st in every area of their lives. In their public lives, and their private. In their schools and work place. In their past and their present and their future.
This commitment to Him (they were told) would give their families advantages no other nation experienced. And that promise is true for us as well.
But by contrast, if we don’t make this our priority - it’s possible to set your family up for failure:
In you bulletin you’ll find an insert entitled
I’m grateful we don’t experience this type of thinking in our congregation... but it’s always wise to examine ourselves anyway to make sure these are not true of us:
10. Schedule personal or family events to conflict with church services and activities.
9. Don’t get too close to anyone in church. Refrain from developing relationships with Christians lest your children learn the joy and benefits of fellowship with other believers.
8. Look often at your watch during worship and complain bitterly, look annoyed, or freak out when church lasts longer than you think it should.
7. Tithe and financially support your church and its missions with the same enthusiasm you pay taxes.
6. Do the best you can to make sure the kids arrive on time to soccer lessons and school events, but don’t worry if they miss or are late to church.
5. Bring you family to church only when a.) you have nothing better to do; b.) you have a personal need; c.) you feel really guilty.