Sermon # 3 - Shadow Versus The Truth Series
Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Feb 28, 2025 (message contributor)
Summary: In the Old Testament there were shadows of things that were fulfilled only through Christ in the New Testament. As we live in a world where truth is overshadowed by falsehood, let us hold firmly to God and His word so we can walk and live by the truth.
We read in Philippians 4:8, Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. (ESV)
The above mentioned verse gives us counsel on those things that we as believers should set our minds on. Generally, most of us are discreet about our actions and words, but often we are careless about the thoughts that occupy our minds. The reason for is that our thoughts are hidden and there is no way anyone else can perceive them. That is why the word of God encourages us to entertain those thoughts that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent and praiseworthy. All of these qualities can be best defined and understood based on the word of God alone, which is our fundamental standard. No wonder then that we have to read and understand the word of God more and more.
Mankind has always tried hard to set the guidelines for what is good and what is bad. The problem with this is that what man considers good at one point, he later shuns as bad and vice versa. Let me explain this with an example. In days gone in India we used to have tea shops that sold tea in tumblers made of glass or stainless steel. Later, these were considered not hygienic and were replaced by disposable paper cups. Recently, these disposable cups were considered bad for health as they were apparently coated with a layer of plastic, and hence discarded. Hence, many shops decided to go back to the use of glass tumblers or stainless steel cups. The standards that are set by men are therefore subject to constant change, depending on various factors that he considers good or bad. The matter of the cups is a relatively simple one, but there are many major issues wherein, if one is not cautious, these principles that are set by humans can prove detrimental to us.
Only as we read the word of God, which is the unchanging standard set by God Himself, can we enjoy all that is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent and praiseworthy. We refer to the bible as the true word of God and hence it is beneficial if we can read through the entire bible to understand the truth of God as a whole. As we look at some important verses from the bible and study it in depth, we will have a better comprehension of who God is, what His word says and also with matters pertaining to our own future as well.
God has no beginning or end
We read in Genesis 1:1, In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.(ESV)
The very first verse in the bible helps us understand that God has no beginning, and so also He has no end. It was this God who created the heavens and the earth.
Everything God created was very good
We also read in Genesis 1:31, And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. (ESV)
God created everything and on the sixth day when God completed all of His creation, He beheld all of his creation and declared that it was ‘very good’.
God blessed the seventh day
In Genesis 2:3 we read, And God blessed the seventh day, and hallowed it: because that in it he rested from all his work which God had created and made. (ERV)
The word of God records that Lord blessed the seventh day and made it holy. Have you ever wondered why we have only seven days in a week, and not five or eight? The reason is that God made it this way. After God had completed all of His creation, God rested from His work on the seventh day.
We know that on the sixth day, God created man who was the crown of His creation, as man was made in God’ own image and likeness. Since man was created on the sixth day, technically the seventh day was the first day of his life for him.
There is so much of discussion as to which day should be the seventh day or Sabbath day. Basically the Sabbath day was a day of rest, when one should set aside their usual work. There were two reasons for the Sabbath day, one was to take rest and the other to spend the day with God. There are many in the world today who are working non-stop not realizing that God instructs us to take a break. This is God’s plan for all of creation. So it is important that we set aside this one day when we can spend time with God in His presence, join together in worship and fellowship with other believers.