
Summary: What does the creation of light and the timing of its creation on day 1 reveal about you and your God?

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Scientists, in 2016 made an interesting discovery. When studying human conception, they saw something that they had never noticed before.

What they noticed was that when sperm meets an egg that there is a sudden flash of light. They describe it as “an explosion, or fireworks.” As a matter of fact, it was captured on film and is now published on a multiplicity of platforms on the internet.

For believers; this is no real surprise. The reason why? God has always used light to indicate that new life has begun.

Just as darkness is associated with death; light is associated with life throughout the pages of scripture.

In Genesis 1: 3-5 we see God initiating the first day of creation and guess what happens? Verse 3-4a explains: “And God said, Let there be light” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good, and God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light day, and the darkness He called night. And there was evening and morning; one day.”

The event in creative history recorded here has long been debated by atheists and agnostics.

Steven Hawking; a renown atheist prepared to debate a believer on the world stage made this statement. He said: “Christianity is a fairy tale for people who are afraid of the dark.”

When he said this, a believing reporter responded saying: “No actually, atheism is a fairy tale for people who are afraid of the light.”


The light that was created on the first day of creation week is intriguing at best. The Bible records that light was created at God’s command and put on display on “Day 1” of creation week. And to finalize it out, the writer tells us that it was in a 24-hour period as it says: “and there was evening and there was morning, one day.” Vs. 5

Transitional Sentence: From this fact; let’s see what does the creation of light and the timing of its creation on day 1 reveal about you and your God?

I. When You Can’t Go On; God is Unstoppable

vs. 3- “Then God said, “Let there be light” and there was light.”


The first day of creation ought to be a reminder of how we should live every day. It should remind us that we are always dependent on God; our Creator.

God’s ability was immediately put on display in a powerful way. At the launch of creation this is obvious when He created light.

Let me show you how.

Notice there is something interesting about God’s creation of light: HE CREATED LIGHT BEFORE HE CREATED THE SUN. Did you notice that God created light on the 1st day, but He did not create the sun until the 4th day?

You might struggle with this and ask: “Wait a minute Pastor, does the Bible tell us in verse 5, “And there was evening and there was morning, one day.”

Absolutely! Listen, a day is not determined by the rise and setting of the sun, a day is dependent on the rotation of the earth 1time around on its axis!

Example: In Alaska, there are days in the winter when the sun barely rises and there are days in the summer when the sun barely sets! Yet, they have evenings and mornings, don’t they? Of course they do!

Do you know why God created light before He created the sun? To reveal to you and me that He does not rely on His creation; His creation relies on Him!


Nowhere is that more noticeable than in the 9th plague in Exodus 10: 22-23 where the Bible says: “So Moses stretched out his hand toward the sky, and there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt for three days. They did not see one another, nor did anyone rise from their place for three days, but all the sons of Israel had light in their dwellings.”

Illustration: Blind people controlled by light

Did you know that you are impacted and controlled by light; even if you are blind?

In 1995 Jane Brody of the New York Times wrote:

“Just as the human ear controls both hearing and balance, they eye, not only permits conscious vision but also registers light impulses that regulate the body’s internal clock. Even people who are totally blind and have no perception of light have normal hormonal responses to bright light.”

The article explains:

“The study showed that 1/3 of blind people tested were able to synchronize their body clocks to day and night even without the conscious perception of light and dark.”


The reality is that we are impacted by the creation around us whether we want to be or not. Even blind people are impacted by something that they cannot physically see.

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