Purpose For Christ Series
Contributed by Herbert Armstrong Bosantog on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: When you are BROKEN, remove the thinking of, “Well, if the Lord wants to BLESS me, He’ll BLESS me.” EVERYTHING is UNDER YOUR CONTROL! You are a CHILD of GOD! The Lord have ALREADY BLESSED (w/o FINDING FAULT) you, it’s all up to you to POSSESS it! RISE UP,
“KNOWING your IDENTITY. Why am I here for?”
Scripture – Luke 15:28-32 (Good News Translation):
28The older brother was so angry that he would not go into the house; so his father came out and begged him to come in. 29But he spoke back to his father, "Look, all these years I have WORKED for you LIKE A SLAVE, & I have NEVER DISOBEYED your orders. What have you given me? Not even a goat for me to have a feast w/ my friends! 30But this SON OF YOURS wasted ALL YOUR PROPERTY on prostitutes, and when he comes back home, you kill the prize calf for him!’ 31"My SON,’ the father answered, "you are always here with me, and EVERYTHING I HAVE IS YOURS. 32But we had to celebrate and be happy, because your brother was dead, but now he is alive; HE WAS LOST, BUT NOW HE HAS BEEN FOUND’ "
2 Kinds of a SERVANT
***SLAVE Servant (Laborer)
***Serving as a SON (Partner)
Difinition of “SERVANT” (Accd’g to Webster’s Bible Dictionary):
- One who serves, or does services, VOLUNTARILY or on COMPULSION;
- A person who is employed by another and is subject to his COMMAND;
- A person who labors or exerts himself for the BENEFIT OF ANOTHER, his master.
Version used: NLT 1st ed., unless Specified.
2 Corinthians 5:18-20, 19For God was in Christ, RECONCILING THE WORLD to himself, NO LONGER COUNTING PEOPLE’s SIN against them. This is the WONDERFUL MESSAGE he has given us TO TELL OTHERS. 20We are Christ’s AMBASSADORS,… 21For God made Christ, WHO NEVER SINNED, to be the OFFERING FOR OUR SINS, so that we could be MADE RIGHT(Justified) with God through Christ.
“You are a SLAVE, no more!”
In verse 22 of Luke 15, “SANDALS for his feet.”
“You are REDEEMED from your SINS. You should no longer work for your SALVATION, it is FINISHED! You should WORK on WHERE you BROUGHT into! TO BE A BLESSING! To be a LIVING TESTIMONY! To COMFORT the BROKEN-HEARTED. To INSPIRE & BRING GOOD NEWS to the POOR/HOPELESS.
Luke 15:18-20, “18I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, ‘Father, I HAVE SINNED against heaven, and before thee, 19And am NO MORE WORTHY to be called thy SON: MAKE ME as one of thy hired SERVANTS.
When you are BROKEN, remove the thinking of,
“Well, if the Lord wants to BLESS me, He’ll BLESS me.” EVERYTHING is UNDER YOUR CONTROL! You are a CHILD of GOD! The Lord have ALREADY BLESSED (w/o FINDING FAULT) you, it’s all up to you to POSSESS it! RISE UP, & EXERCISE your AUTHORITY!
‘Well what can we do if this is the WILL of God.” No! That’s when you RISE UP! The WILL of God for you is to RULE over ALL CREATION. He wants you to have DOMINION over evil POWERS, PRINCIPALITIES & KINGDOMS.
Luke 15:18-19, “‘Father, I HAVE SINNED… NO MORE WORTHY to be called thy SON: MAKE ME as one of thy hired SERVANTS.’
“Let us HUMBLE ourselves and ACCEPT that we are UNWORTHY that we don’t DESERVE His MERCY. We need to have that DEPENDENT ATTITUDE! We should ACKNOWLEDGE that we are NOTHING w/o HIM. PROUD people are STUCK to where they are! Stay OPEN for CHANGE! We are about RECEIVE the FRESH DOSE of ANOINTING that will be POURED OUT in these LAST DAYS. We are about to HAVE DOMINION over SATAN! JESUS is COMING VERY SOON, so we need to ARISE and PROCLAIM the GOSPEL to the NATIONS. Jesus our LORD is COMING the moment that EVERY EAR will HEAR that JESUS is the MESSIAH!