Hope Shines Through Series
Contributed by Brad Beaman on Mar 1, 2022 (message contributor)
Summary: Out of the most desperate situations God is able to do a work of hope. The Messiah is a shoot from the stump of Jesse. From a stump God will raise up a ruler and king. Not just any king but the greatest the world will ever know, the Messiah, King Jesus.
In what way would you describe the almighty power of God? One way would be to picture a forest. A giant comes along something like “Paul Banyan” who walks through swinging a two sided axe and chops down trees with each swing. It would be like swinging a cycle in a field of wheat.
The imagery is God’s power to cut down a whole people that rebel against Him. What are left are only stumps where there had been a mighty forest of beautiful trees. It is just a semblance of what was once there (Isaiah 10:33-34). But God demonstrates his power in yet another way. From the stump God is going to rise up a shoot. It will have branches and it will bear fruit. (Isaiah 11:1).
From a stump God will raise up a ruler and king. Not just any king but the greatest the world will ever know, the Messiah, King Jesus.
In chapters 1-10 Isaiah has had much to say about judgment. There are a few passages that let a little ray of hope in. But in chapter 11 the window is thrown open and the light of hope floods in. A great ruler, the Messiah was coming when doom looked like the only outcome for Israel and Judah.
Isaiah’s name means “God is my salvation”. Isaiah reveals God’s saving plan. Isaiah has the most complete list of characteristics of the Messiah in the Old Testament. We learn a lot about the nature of Jesus by reading the prophesies in Isaiah.
If you are a mighty Oak tree getting cut down is disastrous, the end. You see a stump and from that stump a shoot has come up. Out of the most desperate situations God is able to do a work of hope. The Messiah is a shoot from the stump of Jesse.
Times were at their worst for God’s people. Why was Isaiah giving a message of hope? Because as a prophet of God Isaiah understood God’s plan for His people. Isaiah knew that when things look their worst it is the time God does His greatest work. The situation in your own life may be desperate, but it is not without the hope of God.
Isaiah had brought a message of judgement and the people understood their plight, but hope shines through. The great dynasty of David may have by all appearances crumbled. But God is going to bring restoration. This great restoration will come in the Messiah, Jesus Christ.
King David’s father was Jesse. The branch of Jesse, the shoot from the stump is the restoring of David’s line. The New Testament identifies specifically that Jesus is this root of Jesse and branch of Jesse.
Revelation 5:5
Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.”
Revelation 22:6
“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”
Verse 2 says, The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him. The coming ruler, the Messiah, Jesus would have presence of the Spirit of God. In the Old Testament the Spirit of God would come on someone and empower them for a task.
King Saul and Samson are examples of those whom the Spirit of God came on them for a task but left them in their disobedience to God. When God rejected Saul as King he David as king (1 Samuel 16:13)
The verb rest in verse 2 means to settle and remain settled. Verse 2 goes on to describe how the Spirit will work in his life. The baptism of Jesus describes the Spirit descending on Jesus, visible as a dove.
The description of verse 2 we described Spirit empowering the Messiah in three complementary pairs. This has been called the kaleidoscope effect where we see the Spirit of God and the gifts of the Spirit from different vantage points like when the patterns change when we turn the kaleidoscope.
The Spirit of wisdom and of understanding. There is an intellectual ability to bring it to pass.
The Spirit of counsel and of might. Like in chapter 9 where we have wonderful councilor Mighty God made familiar to us because of the Halleluiah Chorus.
The Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the LORD. This depicts one who knows God through a relationship with Him.
God’s people are in captivity when they receive this message from Isaiah. While in captivity they have experienced the rule of a king who ruled through injustice and deception. The messiah will be a complete contrast. His reign will be of justice and righteousness.