An Angel's Rock Solid Chair Series
Contributed by Allan Quak on Jun 28, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: Why does Matthew mention that the Angel sat on the boulder that was in the front of the tomb of Jesus? This message answers this question to help us understand more about the significance of the work of Jesus.
The message below is more in note form.
Matthew 28:2
An Angel's Rock Solid Chair
Read Matthew 27:62-28:10
2 There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it.
Lent Series:- Strange and Unusual
Torn Veil
Dead Saints Rising.
Angel sitting on a rock.
Why mention this?
Reasons why you sit
• Tired?
No … all he has done is shift a rock.
Some angels can hold back the four winds of the earth.
Don’t picture an angel all puffed and covered in sweat.
• Concentrating?
Like at a desk or doing a task.
No … he doesn’t appear to have much to do but scare the guards and wait for the Marys to arrive.
We could spend another 10 minutes thinking of different ideas.
But the most logical answer he sitting is because the job is done.
• When the job is done, you sit and stop … maybe even admire the outcome.
• The angel had a task and he did it.
So what was the job?
Obviously it was to move the rock.
It is the first thing he does when he appears.
But notice what the text doesn’t say
Not … “He rolled the stone away and Jesus walked out and said, ‘thanks for setting me free, it was getting a bit stuffy in there’”.
It is not his job to let Jesus out.
It isn’t some sort of prison break.
Jesus is already gone.
Remember what John 20:19
19 On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”
So getting out of the tomb with the rock still in the way is not a problem.
The job of the angel was to show everyone that the tomb was empty
The Romans Guards
Tomb sealed
Guards posted
Stop the body being moved
They were wasting their time … they could have been standing there all week!
The Mary’s
Coming to finish the burial process.
Also wasting their time .. in a sense.
There is no body to put the spices on.
The Disciples
They are all despondent … thinking it was all over.
But they are also wasting their time.
The job has only really just begun.
The Angel comes and sits on the rock because the job is done.
That is what Matthew wants us to see.
Because that is the point of the resurrection of Christ.
The job is done.
Remember the text from earlier
1 Corinthians 15:20-21
20 But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. 21 For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man.
First Fruits is a promise of more to come.
It is an indication that there is going to be a great in gathering. A massive resurrection.
What does that mean?
Live as those who are recipients of the grace of a Saviour who has done the job.
• Allowing the past to be dealt with … the job is done.
• Stop trying to save ourselves … the job is done.
• Looking to the future even in failure … the job is done.
• Expect the people around us to also want to know Jesus … the job is done.
Christ is enough … the job is done.
So that when the next resurrection day arrives we can be those who have an assurance that God will look at us and declare “Well done, good and faithful servant.”