Worship In Heaven Series
Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Jul 24, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: At the throne, something incredible is happening … and it’s happening NOW! There is worship before God's throne, and John reveals it to us clearly in this passage. The challenge is, are we responding the same way when He is so deserving of our praise?
Alpha and Omega, Part 28, Revelation Part 5
Worship in Heaven
Revelation 4:1-11
- Last week we concluded our study of the letters to the 7 churches
-- We had several take-aways to consider, prayerfully you are still haunted by it
-- Each church must examine it’s faithfulness to Christ – He MUST be our focus
- Today, we begin our examination of the second great vision given to John
-- Why? The message to the churches is now complete – now we look ahead
-- BIG APP: The instruction is clear – return to and follow Christ alone
- And this week, we will restart our Wednesday night studies (6:30pm)
-- It’s an opportunity to come with questions & where we can discuss freely
-- Truly, we are all students of the Word, so why not spend time digging in?
-- Plan on being different than just me talking … at least that is my hope!
- We’ve arrived at the time for the church (believers) to see what is to come
• First three messages: what has been and what is
• Moving forward: the things that are to occur (from present to future)
-- Instruction to John was clear: Revelation 1:19, “Write down what you have seen - both the things that are now happening and the things that will happen.”
- Read Revelation 4:1-11 / Pray
- TR: The first thing John sees and reveals to us is …
Point 1 – The Throne of God
- Question: How is John introduced to God in Heaven? Simple …
a. He saw a door opened in Heaven
-- This is a vision directly from God, and John is being invited into God’s presence
- Note: There are three doors mentioned in Heaven
• An open door for evangelism (Rev 3:8, “I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close. You have little strength, yet you obeyed my word and did not deny me.”)
• The door of the human heart (Rev 3:20, “Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.”)
• Finally, the door of revelation (re-read Rev 4:1) – John’s invitation to see
b. He is invited by a commanding, discernable voice
- This is the same voice He hears in Revelation 1:10, “It was the Lord’s Day, and I was worshiping in the Spirit. Suddenly, I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet blast.” – same angel who calls to him then and is his guide in this
-- APP: It is a voice of authority that leads Him (and leads us in this vision)
c. John was physically called to come up to Heaven
- Greek: anabainó (ana-bino); to go up, to ascend APP: He was called to come
-- Why? To see the future events – to be shown what God wants us to know
-- Critical to know: What John will now be shown is what will take place
-- This vision must take place because of God’s holiness; He wants church to know
- See this: When called, John was immediately in the Spirit
-- This is a deeper experience than just your prayer life, a special revelation
-- This is an invitation to come and see, to enter presence, to write these things
- And in this, he sees the most astounding site known to man (v1)
-- He is transported into the holiest place – before the very throne of God
-- Emphatically, He sees and declares who this is … it is God alone!
-- Greek: idou (eh-vu); look! Behold! “Wow!”
- With all sovereignty, power, and authority – John sees God the Creator
-- He possesses supreme majesty, and in His hands is the future of the world
- To John, God is seen as light – a brilliant light of immense beauty
-- Psalmist realized this vision in Psalm 104:2, “You are dressed in a robe of light. You stretch out the starry curtain of the heavens”
Display Image of the Throne Room
- He is seen as One with extreme beauty, made of precious gems and jewels
• The countenance of God is that of a jasper stone – clear and brilliant
• The sardine stone was a fiery red, represents the justice of God
• The rainbow was that of emerald (green), representing the mercy of God
-- REF Genesis 9:11-17 … God’s promise of grace, of mercy, of compassion
-- Visual reminder of the promise He made to humanity, placing it in the sky
- This representation is the only thing that man truly needs to look for