The Testimony About Jesus Series
Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The Jews loved to hear about Moses and his teachings, but Jesus lets these know that they really didn’t believe what Moses said, either. If they had, they would know who Jesus is, and would rejoice at the coming Messiah!
The Testimony about Jesus
John 5:31-47
- The gospel of John screams of the faith that we should have in Christ
-- It is the clearest example of living life FOR the one who redeemed you and I
- On Sunday Mike preached about the authority of Christ
• Jesus always has been God (He was)
• Jesus offers salvation today (He is)
• Jesus will be God in the future and will judge sin (He will be)
- Tonight we will examine the testimony of Jesus as he corrects the Jews
-- Re: These are people who say they know God, and know what His word says
-- Yet, they are outed before everyone within ear shot about their belief and faith
- Read John 5:31-47 / Pray
∆ Point 1 – The Testimony about Jesus
- The Jews are asking an interesting question about Jesus
-- Re: Everything in these times was based on testimony: someone had to say …
-- Their thoughts are always looking for the answer: Who testifies about you?
-- So, He knows what’s in their hearts so he gives them an answer
- But what he does is give them examples (testimony) to corroborate His story
-- To them, they miss the importance of the answer; but we cannot …
- First testimony:
-- There is another (v32) who testifies … this is the Father; the One who knows
-- God already knows what Christ is doing, and will do – they are together
- APP: Consider: If Jesus takes the Father at His word, why do we need more?
-- The call of the Christian is to obey; to trust; and to lean fully on the Lord
-- If we continue to try to figure this out ourselves, we will fail (make lousy God’s)
- Second testimony:
-- We have the testimony of John the Baptist, who the Jews regarded highly
-- The Jews in turn were happy to hear about a coming Messiah, but not who it is
- They do not want to repent and turn to Christ; but they still hope for a promise
-- APP: More than likely Jesus did not fit their mold … so He is rejected
- Third testimony:
-- The works that Jesus is performing (v36) gives weight to who He is
-- Fact: Jesus has come to do things greater than the word John is proclaiming
-- He has come to do what God asked Him to finish (the redemption of creation)
-- Re: Only the creator can redeem what rightfully belongs to Him
- Fourth testimony:
-- However, in rejecting the Christ, they reject the Father as well (v37-38)
-- God Himself testified that a redeemer would come, but they’ve rejected it
- They refuse to believe all that they know is right before their eyes
-- So in rejecting the Son, they are in earnest rejecting the Father! (v38)
-- If they do not believe Jesus, then they can’t/mustn’t believe the Son!
- Fifth testimony:
-- Finally, Jesus refers them to what we have in our hands as well (v39-40)
-- He essentially says: You call yourselves bible scholars, but you’re clueless!
-- You know what you need to do to gain eternal life, but you refuse to believe it
-- APP: Since you refuse that I am the Messiah … you refuse the life that I bring
- APP: It is the doubt of humanity that causes us to reject the Word before us
-- We choose to turn away and deny that Jesus is Lord (to our own detriment)
-- Jesus gives this rebuke so that they would know why they don’t have life
-- However, it is also the same many may hear in eternity: “Depart from me …”
- TRANS: So what will you and I believe about this testimony?
∆ Point 2 – Who will we believe?
- Now, we have a heavy piece of scripture that we have to tackle together
-- It’s my prayer that I will do well in explaining this, but also draw us closer
- Jesus now turns to accuse and condemn those who refuse to believe who He is
-- Re: These are “scholars” of God’s word, yet they have no grasp of the truth
-- From Moses to the Messiah they clung to it, but never accepted what it says
-- Without the love of God in their hearts, they totally miss/refuse Christ’s offer
- (v41-42) Jesus tells them that He does not need human approval/praise
-- This is not what drives Him and not what He seeks as validation
- Re-read John 2:24-25 …
-- Jesus’ knowledge of their true faith is what is represented here in v24
-- His motive is clear: He knows what their heart condition is; not fooled by it