David A Somebody Becomes A Fugitive Series
Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Nov 4, 2024 (message contributor)
Summary: When David does the right thing for God and becomes a somebody Saul gets jealous and forces David to become a fugitive.
A somebody becomes a fugitive
Thesis: When David does the right thing for God and becomes a somebody Saul gets jealous and forces David to become a fugitive.
David has the Spirit of the Lord on Him. He defeats the giant Goliath – He brings a great victory to Israel. Saul hears the praise for David Saul has killed his 1,000 and David has killed his 10,000. Saul hears this praise, and the evil spirit stirs him up. He becomes jealous and his heart is prompted to strike out at the hero.
So, he reacts in anger – he throws a spear at David to kill him (3x)!
Saul sees David as a threat not a blessing – he sees him coming for his crown – why?
Reality Check - When an evil spirit is leading our lives and influencing our interpretation of life, we will always be in opposition to the people led by the Spirit of God. The Spirit of God will always be seen as a threat not an ally! The truth is the Spirit of God always sends demonic spirits into fits of rage and slander.
Reality Check: When the Spirit of God departs a person, they are wide open for evil spirits to invade because it’s the Spirit of God that keeps demon spirits out of a person’s soul and heart.
Jesus said this about demons: Matthew 12: 43 “When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. 44 Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. 45 Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation.”
Saul who once was filled with the Spirit of God – anointed by God – prophesied for God is now void of God’s Spirit because of sin and rebellion against God. The result of his sins and rebellion is demon spirits torment him – WHY – because the Spirit of God departed. It’s the Spirit of God which keeps you free from demons and evil – it’s not your self will – it’s the Spirit of God. It’s what happens in the spiritual realm!
From my research Saul attempted to kill David 14 times! Sauls attempts become known to Johnathan who knows the feeling – of having his own father try to kill him– remember because when he won a Battle for Israel and indirectly disobeyed a vow Saul made was told by his own dad, he must die for breaking it – but the fighting men of Israel refused to follow the insane order of Saul! But here he is again with David, and I think this is why Jonathan and David connect as good close friends – the same man tried killing both! For no reason but rage, anger and jealousy!
Let’s recall 1 SAMUEL 16:14-23
David’s Introduction to the Court of Saul V. 14. With the rejection of Saul on the part of God, the Spirit of Jehovah had departed from him, and an evil spirit from Jehovah had come upon him, who filled him with fear and anguish. The “evil spirit from Jehovah” which came into Saul in the place of the Spirit of Jehovah, was not merely an inward feeling of depression at the rejection announced to him, which grew into melancholy, and occasionally broke out in passing fits of insanity, but a higher evil power, which took possession of him, and not only deprived him of his peace of mind, but stirred up the feelings, ideas, imagination, and thoughts of his soul to such an extent that at times it drove him even into madness. This demon is called “an evil spirit (coming) from Jehovah,” because Jehovah had sent it as a punishment, or “an evil spirit of God” (Elohim: v. 15), or briefly “a spirit of God” (Elohim), or “the evil spirit” (v. 23, compare 1 Samuel 18:10), as being a supernatural, spiritual, evil power; but never “the Spirit of Jehovah,” because this is the Spirit proceeding from the holy God, which works upon men as the spirit of strength, wisdom, and knowledge, and generates and fosters the spiritual or divine life.
In essence our text is saying God’s Spirit departed Saul and then an evil spirit asked God as it looked at the empty shell of a king can I invade him? God said go for it he rejected my way! This evil force then seeks to wreak havoc on the plans and purposes of God and to wreak havoc on the people of God. God allowed the evil spirit to invade Saul!