
Summary: There is an unknown to be known, an X-factor in all believers of our Lord Jesus! Defined the X-factor is a variable in a given situation that could have the most significant impact on the outcome.

There is no words in the Bible that describes our God with an "X". It goes from 'wrong' to 'yarn' in the Concordance. Daniel lived when King Xerxes i and II of Persia. Today's dictionary has the words 'X-Ray machine and Xield which means a buffer for protection of a windshield. "X" is the symbol for kisses and hugs and used in a tic tack game. It is also used in my Algebra class!

However, I remember it as a favorite TV talent show starring Blake Shelton. Sitting in the chair as a judge for the music show called "THE X - FACTOR! At the time, there were only one out five choices that rose to top and won. So much like today's show called the "VOICE" the program was open for votes coming from all those who voted on their phone or computer. The last two were amazing in their presentations.

The google answer for definition is "A variable in a given situation that could have an impact on the outcome, like in a sentence "The young people had a significant voice in today's election." It could also mean "A special quality or circumstance that may be hidden but very strong to imagine."

God is the X-Factor in the Bible! Jesus Christ is the X-Factor in the New Testament. When looking at all of His qualities revealed to man they are hidden and later revealed in the scriptures. Look at the stories of Noah and Abraham and Joseph and Moses! Then we can see from David as he writes over 73 Psalms about his God, we see the X-Factor coming out of those verses.

In briefly said God is all-loving, all-powerful, all-knowing, and every where in his life. He praises and gives thanks for that he has meant to him in his life, from boyhood, to his being chosen as king and as King til his last breath God is his X-Factor.

From the New Testament, we see the story of Peter going to visit Cornelius in Acts 10. Peter, as a Jew, will let the commander of the Romans, he being a Gentile, is entitled to the Good News of Jesus Christ. Peter says "Let me tell you who my X-Factor is, the One you need in your life!

Jesus is our X-Factor, the one who will Judge the world, and save the world, too! He is the One who forgives you, He is the who is Annointed as God's Son. He is the One who you are to obey and be baptized for. He was baptized along with his whole household and Jesus became his X-Factor in his life forever and ever.

Today, as we accepted him we receive from the riches of His glory which are hidden from the eyes of the world.

They are our X-Factors in our lives. s we grow in His grace and love each day, we experience those hidden blessings.

Conclusion: Our life with Jesus is our X-Factor -- To be forgiven daily, to pray to our Father, to live in peace with one another, to be led by God's will, to discern the truth in our lives, and to have abundant joy forever and ever. In Jesus Name, we pray. Amen.

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