Lessons From Jeremiah – Part 21 – Judah Is Deplorable And The Babylonian Army Is Anxious To Attack Series
Contributed by Ron Ferguson on May 14, 2024 (message contributor)
Summary: What disaster when a sinful nation loves its sin. That is how Judah was and the LORD pleaded with them constantly through the prophets but they refused to listen. We live in similar conditions. As judgement overtook Judah, so shall the current world head for judgement because it loves its sin.
PART 21 - Jeremiah 5:28-6:5
{{Jeremiah 5:28 They are fat. They are sleek. They also EXCEL IN DEEDS OF WICKEDNESS. They do not plead the cause, the cause of the orphan, that they may prosper, and they DO NOT DEFEND THE RIGHTS OF THE POOR. Jeremiah 5:29 Shall I not punish these people?’ declares the LORD. ‘On a nation such as this, shall I not avenge Myself?’ Jeremiah 5:30 An appalling and horrible thing has happened in the land: Jeremiah 5:31 THE PROPHETS PROPHESY FALSELY, and the priests rule on their own authority, and MY PEOPLE LOVE IT SO, but what will you do at the end of it?”}}
These are some of the most telling words in scripture. There is no covering up or sugar coating anything. Through Jeremiah God tells it as it is and it is not pretty. “My people love it so,” is damning and we will look at that. What a horrible situation was existing in the land, but let us not condemn those people alone without looking at our own nations.
(a). VERSE 28. The wicked ones from verse 27 are the ones who are fat and sleek but they got that way through dishonesty and bribes and corruption, not through hard work and honesty. These sloths like vermin preyed on the needy but it did not go unnoticed. God keeps records. I often think of how it will be at the great white throne when the books for each person (the unsaved there) are opened and they are judged from the written evidence. It is a huge subject and I have written on it but these sloths will be a lot more accountable than many and they will bear greater judgement. Accountability is a serious word.
It is terrible that justice is denied those who are poor and crying for justice, and have no comeback and can not appeal to anyone. God sees what transpired, but no man stands by them. Jeremiah chose the word “excel” to describe their wicked works. They excelled in wickedness. It is bad enough to be wicked but to excel in it, is despicable. These people were foul members of society. These wicked people were often the ones who should have dispensed justice but like the priests, the judges and the shepherds of the people, they were all corrupt and putrid in God’s sight. The religious hierarchy was wicked and the members used their positions to feather their own nests, their houses, with the ill-gotten gains of the poor and orphans and underprivileged. These were unjust cowards who deserted and exploited the orphans and the poor of the land for their personal gain.
Nearly all the prophets cried out against these injustices in strong language. Ezekiel, in chapter 34, focussed on the false and unjust shepherds of Israel who abused their trust as the ones entrusted to care for the people whom they extorted and walked all over. Ezekiel did not mince words but laid out the case graphically. For any who wonder why God’s judgement is coming, you don’t have to look far.
The Lord certainly noticed the poor and needy on earth in the Gospels, and so did Jehovah here in Judah as well. Jeremiah singles out the orphans and the rights of the poor and those two matters were probably the most glaring. These unjust, wicked people will be judged at the great white throne for all the misery and lack of compassion they gave to the poor. Amos also takes up the theme – {{Amos 5:11-12 “Therefore, BECAUSE YOU IMPOSE HEAVY RENT ON THE POOR, and exact a tribute of grain from them, though you have built houses of well-hewn stone, yet you will not live in them. You have planted pleasant vineyards, yet you will not drink their wine. I know your transgressions are many and your sins are great, you who distress the righteous and accept bribes, and turn aside the poor IN THE GATE,”}} (the place where justice was to be determined for the people by judges, but they were denied). It would seem that verse 28 confirms that an honest and compassionate concern, and action, for the disadvantaged, especially the most vulnerable like orphans, chiefly in the old Jewish society, would lead to prosperity. The opposite attitude will lead to ruin. The latter is what Judah and all Israel had chosen.
There is a difficulty that genuine and honest preachers face. I believe it is correct to expose the ills of society to call for reform and repentance similar to what the prophets did. I think it is okay to call out people (maybe) and organisations, BUT, and it is a great BUT, there is a fine line between preaching the bible and messing around in the political arena. The preacher must steer clear of becoming political, and should not endorse a political candidate unless he/she belongs to his church. For example as I am writing this there are deep seated feelings in the USA in this 2024 election year and some Christians are speaking out. For a discerning Christian, the corruption in the White House and in the American judicial system is absolutely deplorable and it is easy to find that from quite a number of sites and Congressional and Senate hearings. Christians can speak out, but don’t make it the preaching subject. We say no more and it is a controversial subject.